plan failed - ( 7 )

Little did Wolford know that trusting his instincts was one of the best and life-saving choices he made because the angelic tigress is angry because of what Wolford said just now.

After Wolford lost trust in his instincts, he now has a more significant problem: how would he buy a virtual helmet.

After Wolford left the store, the anger in Daniella rose more, but after she heard a seductive voice that would make any man standstill.

the voice then asks, " why are you so angry at Wolford?"

"don't you get irritated because of his ugly face and even he-." before Daniella could continue, the receptionist talk

" umm, the pretty lady, would you also buy a virtual hell-." before the receptionist could continue, an angry and frustrated voice resounded.

"shut up and give me the virtual helmet and this is the 5,000$ pay," Daniella said with her angelic and frustrated voice while putting the money on the desk and taking the virtual helmet.

After that, she took Dianne's hand and left the store.

After leaving the store, the receptionist called a number and said, " sir, the plan failed. Some people interfered in our plan."

After Daniella and Jeanne left the store at midnight, Wolford looks ta them from the side of the store where he hides from two of them.

He is not an idiot. He knows why his instincts told him to run away from the store because of Daniella.

He curses under her breath " fuck, why do I get so much excitement? I almost got beat up there; maybe it's not wrong to get beat up by her sometimes, but I need first to buy a virtual helmet."

So after checking again and did not see the angered lioness and the confused Jeanne, he ran towards the store to buy the virtual lat helmet.

But when he gets near it, his face turns dark and into a serious one. He heard the receptionist talking to someone on the phone, but one thing was for sure they had no good intentions for the two beautiful girls.

After he calmed down, his face turned into the regular face that he always used to talk to people.

After the receptionist talked on his phone, I waited for five minutes; good thing there was no one to enter and buy a virtual helmet at that five minutes.

After five minutes, he entered with his regular expression. " amm, sir, I want to buy the last virtual helmet if there is one left." He smiled.

When the receptionist noticed him, the person he is jealous of. " to be able to talk with the two beauties like everyday talk, what a lucky fucker this guy is." he thought while having another thought that made him smile.

" umm, sorry, kid, there is nothing left," he said while having a sad expression.

Wolford's anger toward the receptionist grows higher.

" umm, is that so sigh... I guess I am still unlucky to this day, huh.." he said while having the same expression as the receptionist.

He then started turning back; when he turned around, his face turned cold. He then started walking towards the exit door while his shoulder was slumped because of his real disappointment.

When he was at the exit door, he opened it and started disappearing from the receptionist's sight, and this made the receptionist laugh so hard that it made his stomach ache.

While Wolford is walking, with a dark expression, he sees two individuals he thought he would not see anymore tonight.

When he saw these two, his face turned into shock, and the next second, his face turned into fear.

When he is about to start running away from these two individuals, someone grabs the back of his hoodie while she says. " As I thought you would never leave the store without a virtual helmet on your hand, it looks like you failed to get one with the lustful receptionist."

When Wolford is sweating badly and realizes what Daniella just said with her normal angelic voice, he is surprised.

When he was about to ask something, her side stomach felt a pain similar to his worse stomach pain when he was a kid.

This maid Wolford fall into despair because looking at Daniella, who did this, her face is full of angelic smile but to Wolford now is similar how the ten individuals look at him when he smiles, a devil smile.

"but before we talk about another subject, I"ll punish you first." She said with the devil's smile, similar to Wolford.

Wolford asks out of confusion, " what do you mean by punishing me, big sis Daniella? Can I ask what my sin is?"

This question made the two questions themselves: Is this guy sinning again?"

when Daniella opened her mouth to answer, no word came out. " this guy is irritating, and at the store, he talks to me like any other person, hmm... is this enough reason to punish him?... " she thought while having a pondering face for an answer

" Whatever, I want to punish you, so just accept it." She said while having the proud face of someone who will punish someone who did something terrible rifle to her.

When the two people watching the scene before were dumbfounded, the Wolford shouted indignantly, " that's unreasonable."

Before Wolford could retort more because of her unreasonable answer, he started shouting to the heavens while having a thought, "this is not the punishment that I want. Did I ask for something too much?"

This continued for over a minute while Wolford was trying to escape from her intense pinching, but every time he held her smooth like a jade hand, her pinching would get more robust. He became discouraged Wolford from trying to escape.

After a minute, a seductive voice was heard " umm, big sis, that should be enough." Jeanne said while having her indifferent as always, like nothing in this world matters; her words say otherwise.

When Jeanne spoke to help the poor Wolford from getting pinched more, Wolford became hopeful of escaping from this angelic beauty while her personality said otherwise.

Maybe only a minute passed when she started pinching Wolford on his hips, but for Wolford, it was similar for eternity because of the pain he felt that made him almost cry.

When Daniella heard this, she was surprised, and because of her surprise, she let go of Wolford. After Wolford realized that his pain was lessening, he started running to his back of Dianne.

When Dianne saw this, she laughed inside.

When someone looks at these two beauties playing because of these two beauties, you will not notice the average-looking person hiding from another beauty who looks like a puppy who is about to die because of a bully.

This made Daniella more speech " you come back here how dare you hide from a woman."

While Daniella is complaining of Wolford's cowardness, he peeks his head from the back of Jeanne's seductive beauty and sticks his tongue out like a playful child who scapes from a demoness's clothes.

When Jeanne saw these two playing like that, she chuckled, making free laugh together. That's like they were free from all problems.

Without any of the three notice, this usual laugh they have together made them closer to each other.

Even though Jeanne's seductive beauty only spoke thrice the entire time they were together, it made it look like she was a different person from his friends. Still, her simple action that stops his big sis Daniella from continuing to bully Wolford says she does care.

Even though she had a bad history with Wolford, this did not make the new friendship bloom inside her heart.

Jeanne is like this now because of Wolford, who made her heart crack and distance herself from others.

She does not have many friends other than Daniella, who she loves like a big sis in her broken heart.

The laugh they have now is not simple. This laugh releases Jeanne's frustration and problems now and in the past.

When the three of them calmed down, Jeanne blushed slightly. This is the rare time that she laughs in a year. Maybe you can see Jeanne chuckling sometimes, but you could never see her laugh to her heart's content anywhere unless she is an important person.

That's why both Daniella and Wolford are shocked to hear her laugh, but the two smile after seeing that slight blush on Dianne's face.

So Dianne just looked away while her blush deepened even more. This made the two that made Jeanne laugh and smile wider.

There is silence for a bit. The silence is comfortable for the three of us but with awkwardness.

After a minute or two, Wolford broke the silence and then spoke.

Umm, Daniella, can I ask where to buy a virtual helmet cause I just wanted to buy one and play it so badly? So please, can you tell me a good location.

Wolford said without a shame in the world that his acting skills just get used unconsciously.