That Being is Back? - ( 11 )

After this white individual is surrounded by lightning and the space near him is all destroyed and stops roaring to the heavens, you can see a being that is majestic and feared by others that already know this form.

This being opened his glowing white eyes while white lightning crackled around him and his bright white eyes.

The aura of his being released unconsciously around him. His aura reached every part of the universe like telling the universe that he had returned.

When the beings around the universe felt an aura similar to those that created legends and destroyed legends, all of these individuals did not move for a moment before shock fielded their faces. Even their hearts stopped beating for a moment before returning to normal.

When they calmed down for a bit, they looked at the place where they felt this familiar aura that gods and the higher existence once feared.

When they look in the aura's direction, they fall off into their buts, and despair and fear are seen all over their faces.

The others have a joy faces and are even excited to see their long-lost master.

A beautiful individual with exquisite cloth on her body that has no imperfection around him said, while her face was full of shock and excitement, " looks like that being is back." She said in her voice that would make even the gods stand still and listen unconsciously

Meanwhile, when the emperor felt this aura, she was shocked to the core because this aura was familiar to her.

She only lost the aura of the person who took her heart away from her.

She was excited when she felt this aura, but when the atmosphere disappeared slowly, she was disappointed.

She does not know why the aura becomes faint as the second passes. She wanted to go to the place where this person was. She missed this person so much that she would exchange her boring empire for this person, but the aura disappeared before she could open and avoid entering.

This made the empress so angry that she released he own aura, which is also sensed by the entire universe of the ninth heavens.

When the others also felt that the aura was disappearing, they quickly rushed to open, avoid entering and find this person, but before they could, all of the left atmospheres disappeared.

After all the individuals step out of their stupor, they open the void near them to see who is realizing this familiar aura around the universe that is friendly to most of them.

Those who are the first time feel this aura have fear written, and excitement is written all over them.

Excitement because if they add this person in their midst, their army, they may make their plan easier and conquer the nine heavens.

Fear because if this guy is the enemy, they are doomed and if this person goes to the enemy side, then only doom is the one that is coming for their future. That's why all of these powerhouses move.

These peak powerhouses open the void to enter and see where the place or what is the thing that releases that powerful aura.

Others thought that this aura was from a powerful universal treasure that would make anyone could take it to become a powerhouse that the emperor would fear because this aura is far higher than the aura of the emperor.

When the powerhouses felt the aura disappearing, they all felt frustrated, and others were disappointed.

The others who didn't know what it was thought it was a one-time treasure and felt disappointed because this kind of treasure that announced its arrival and disappeared was already claimed, or it was simply not a treasure.

The others who knew what was was was felt excited and happy because this individual was so powerful that made the factions and clans that stand above feel fear of this individual reign on the nine heavens.

This person thought it was just a treasure already claimed by someone lucky, and the others were happy because they felt that the familiar aura had disappeared and realized the bigger problem. All of their faces turned serious.

Before anyone of these individuals and hidden groups could move and find what that aura came from, and if it was a treasure, they would take it for themself to use.

They feel the aura of the emperor. This made the hidden powerhouses and groups stop and get confused because the emperor only releases his aura when angry or warns about something, and maybe she is unconsciously releasing it.

Before they could continue their plans, they realized something.

When the hidden powers realized something, they all started trembling in fear because they thought the treasure released an aura so powerful that the entire nine heavens felt it from the emperor.

Some have their theory because the aura where it is released is similar to the direction of the emperor's empire.

Maybe the others felt the aura, but they couldn't find the exact location. They only know where the direction is.

They also theories that perhaps the emperor got a heavenly treasure similar to the once-in billion prizes, the number one treasure that causes many deaths. When the time e t, he feared individuals killed many powerhouses and disappeared forever from the nine heavens.

They also thought that maybe the emperor made a treasure to get stronger or do something big.

This made the entire nine heavens go into chaos.

When the existence in the nine heavens felt the emperor's aura, this solidified and made the nine heavens turn into a more chaotic state.

All the nine heavens individuals do not know that the emperor is an empress because she does not want her beauty to be revealed to the world.

She only wanted it to be seen by one person, the person who steals her heart.

They cannot see the empress's true self even using a treasure that can see through anything because of the glory that the feared individual gave her in the war when the once in a billion prize showed up where the empress's heart got stolen by a dire wolf.

The others who can react fast and enter the void have started to come out from the hole.

When they are about to come out, they look around and only feel shocked because GOD level existence is not allowed in the place where they are now.

After seeing where they are, they immediately cancel their plan to go out and see where the treasure or the thing that releases that strong aura is.

Before they could close the void they made, a white thing is shot towards them before the gap is wholly completed.

After the void closes, they look at the white thing on their heart, while the others already die when they get shot by the thing that got past their opening.

While the others who got shot in their heart immediately used to treasure, even their ultimate life-saving skill that they have to save their life that is on the thread right now, but before they could, they vaporize, turning into skeletons and then into nothingness.

The thing that got shot at them was an aura trap owner made of the place.

All the powerhouses that can make void all died just like that.

The place is forbidden because all those not permitted to enter, even gods or higher ones, will die.

In the past, many higher beings like gods and the higher beings than gods tried to attack the white palace. Because of their failed attack, that place is now called the forbidden place.

When the gods and higher being conspired to destroy the white palace and steal the treasure, there ones a being that all of these individuals feared and made them all go and hide.

Many died because the traps, puppets, and shadow guards placed at the palace entrance killed them.

Meanwhile, the one that caused all of this chaos is nowhere.

Wolford already returned to his original body,y, and t,h the body created because of the opening of his mysterious bloodline and the mysterious abilities that the gods feared.

After Dianne left the hospital while having a deep blush on her face, Wolford then woke up while breathing heavily.

He looks at the mirror in front of him only to get shocked because of his white eyes that made him suffer so much and gave him unlimited strength that even the gods feared.

But Wolford is in disbelief because of this, and he does know the power inside him.

He could not get his memory back because his past owner did that even though he did not know.

After looking at the mirror, his face turned into disbelief. He thought the things that happened were just a dream. His eyes turned white, then slowly turned to a standard brown color, the original color eyes of Wolford.

He then slumped back to his bed when he noticed something.

" Why do my lips taste a bit sweet," he grunted while licking his lips.

He also saw that his broken arms and legs just a minute ago are already healed completely.

He also noticed that his body looked full of vitality and energy. He then sat up, and after he could stand up from the bedclothes, someone talked with the voice that Wolford always hated to hear.

" you can't even fix your life properly going into a fight in a school? Are you shaming our family?.. How about you stop going to school and be the successor of the farm I bought last month. Hmm. That'll be enough for a useless son like you.. to begin w; no one needs, in the house. Wrong to begin with. No one needs you in this world. I wasted money to lay for your bones that should be bought for food, and now look at your useless self better quit school if something like this happens again. son of bitch." My talkative mother, who should go into police schooling in the future and is more conversational and aggressive than my father, talks to me.

In other words, this is why I wanted to die, but I wanted revenge for the pain that happened to me. Who should I blame?

My mother or family brought me stress and almost died, or the seductive beauty I planned to rape because she killed me.

I that accepted my death and have to suffer from torture?

Ahhh, who should I blame? Then he taught while this entire time her mother is talking bullshit.