Chapter 23

If this scheme does not work, I plan on ditching the two of them and using Ms. Cristina and Austin as bait. Although it would hurt me to do so, I need to because my gut is telling me right now that Clause is in danger.

"On the count of three! One, two, three!"

Simultaneously, our heads turned to look back, and our arms pointed toward the industrial arts students with the intent of temporarily blinding them using the focused beam from the flashlight.

"Too bright!"

One industrial arts student suddenly lost his balance, stepping on the foot of his classmate he was running alongside, which caused not just him but also his classmates near him to stumble and crashed with each other. The incident was like a domino effect, with industrial arts students gradually falling one by one.

"Ahhh! What are you guys doing?!"

"Cedric lost his balance!"

Those at the back stopped to help their fellow students stand up while the three of us slowly disappeared into the night.

"It worked!"

I can't say I was happy that my plan worked out in the end. It is one of the feelings you could not contain inside you. The joy of helping someone you know is truly overwhelming.

"The exam isn't done yet. We need to get away from them as far as we can."

And this fucking bastard Austin had to spoil the fun. Gah! If it was not just for the wireless cameras monitoring us, I might have punched him right now.

Just like that, our little trip to rendezvous with Clause continued smoothly, although there were obstacles that needed to be dealt with.

"I'm glad we already reached the west. But I doubt Clause is here, so I'm gonna keep moving up to northwest after a few minutes."

The three of us made a stop to take a rest. I tiredly sat down on the ground and leaned back on a tree.

"Then we'd come with you, Ira." Ms. Cristina said as she breathed heavily.

Both Ms. Cristina and Austin also decided to take a break after sprinting for about five minutes? Compared to me, Austin does not look like he is tired.

"You really have gotten close to Esecleus, eh?" Austin said, smiling as he lent Ms. Cristina his blue handkerchief, embroidered with his name.

"Well, it's because he is treating me to lunch. The two of us understand

each other's circumstances."

"Whenever the two of you are together, I often think that you and

Esecleus had been friends for years."

"I thought so too. They just get along so well."

"Well, what about the two of you? You two seemed close to me too."

Lately, I have been seeing Ms. Cristina hanging around Austin and his circle of friends. One time, I saw the two of them together on a Sunday afternoon when I came out of the cinema.

"Ahh, so it was you I noticed when Cristina and I ate lunch."

Huh? Austin saw me? But I was behind them when I saw them together. So, how come he noticed me if I was a few meters away from the two of them.

"Oh, so that's why I thought I saw Ira that time! I see."

Ehhhhhhhh? How come they saw me? Do they have eyes behind their head? Or did the two of them see me entering the cinema?

While the three of us were talking as we rest, the rustling of dried leaves rang in our ears. Austin and Ira immediately stood up, alerted by the noise, peering through the dim surroundings.

"I think we should go."

"Yeah, it is best we move now."


It was not much of a rest but sitting down and relaxing on a tree was enough to quench the exhaustion we were feeling.

Since we were at it, the three of us kept using our flashlights in their focused beam to light our path towards the northwest.

The sultry late summer weather brought refreshingly warm air to our skin. Its feeling was definitely soothing, relieving our bodies some of the exhaustion we were feeling as it permeates our pores.

Another course we are running to meet with Clause, embarking on a little journey to save the tiny puppy in the midst of a pack of wolves. It is my duty, as his friend, to help Clause, for I am the only one that can possibly get him out of the predicament he is in!


"Don't pass out on me now, wimp. We are just getting started."

Even though I was being painfully smitten and hit by Allen in the face, I still had the guts to look away and sought a wireless camera.

My fading vision had to make sure that everything that was going on right now is getting monitored and recorded by the school.

It hurts! It hurts! My face and back hurt! But I am starting to feel... numb on my face. I bet it is all bruised up and swollen. Ahh, it is gonna be a doozy of a black eye.

Going to school with a swollen face does not bother me. Been there, done that.

"I might stop right now and finish this fight if you beg for forgiveness!"

As if!

"Go to hell!" I uttered, spitting disgustingly on Allen's face.

"Oh, eww! That's hella disgustingly disrespectful!"

"Beat him to it, Allen!"

"Bleugh! I'd rip his tongue if that was me!"

I can say that Allen's lackeys were there to add fuel to the fire, make things worse for me, and provoke the dude even more.

Ahh... I just did that? Am I not dreaming right now? Yeah, I am not. I just spit on Allen's face without hesitation! HAHAHAHA! I'm the fucking best!

[You're crazy.]

How beautiful! Isn't this the perfect spot to be under the moonlight? No trunks of trees bearing leaves block the flawlessness! The full moon's absolute round shape was the ideal setting, the image I would like to see once in my life before I sleep.
