Chapter 24

"You can screw yourself, Allen!"

As I deafeningly screamed the words at the top of my lungs, so was the dramatic arising of Allen's fist, so full of anger and power.

"No, it is you who is gonna be fucked up, wimp!"

The last thing I want is Allen ruining the magnificently calming sight above me with his blood-tainted fist. Therefore, I deliberately closed my eyes as his hand slowly flew toward my swollen face.

I gave up. I was ready to take the punch and teach myself that it was not confident I felt but arrogance after I landed a few hits on students. I was gonna let it end like that and accept my defeat when the fucking voice inside my head had to say something so hella infuriating!

[How cowardly stupid!]

A voice was all there was in my head, but my mind subconsciously created an image of a smirking expression, his white teeth showing in utter disappointment.


Just before Allen could land the punch directly on my face, I used my left arm to defend my chin and nose as I ground my teeth together.


I felt my left arm go limp after the punch, and I also sensed the pain from my arm to my face, transferring like an electric passing through a conductor.

"How tough! Puwahahahahaha! I will end this with this one!"

One more, and I am really gonna pass out. My body is in pain, my face is swollen, and my nose is bleeding.

Only if a miracle would happen...


Suddenly, I heard Ira's voice at 12 o'clock, screaming with his flashlight swinging up and down as he run, which luckily flashed in Allen's eyes.

"What the heck?!"

I pushed my body to its limits, even though it excruciatingly hurts. My right hand, which was full of dried dirt, swung towards the crouching Allen, and I threw the soil to his face, hoping it would get in his eyes.

"My eyes!"

Immediately, I ignored the pain I was feeling and kicked him in the balls with everything that I've got.


"That ought to hurt!"

"I felt that!"

Allen collapsed on the ground, clutching his thing as I forced myself to stand up and get on top of him.

"Hey, isn't that Esecleus?"

"Yeah, what is he doing?"

Rage crept up my head. I could feel my body trembling, not because I was scared but because I was ecstatic about being looked up to by a person who kept calling me a wimp and coward.

The incomparable joy I was feeling made my whole sanity shiver in pure overwhelming excitement.

"Too bad, Allen!"

Tremblingly, I clasped my hands together as tight as I could as I raised them in the air. Using a normal punch on Allen might actually break the bones in my hands. Therefore, I am gonna use the side of the hand where the metacarpals bones are located. It is much sturdier, and I doubt Allen would be able to withstand this attack of mine.

"Here you... go!"

What total satisfaction! I first aimed at Allen's nose, the side of my hands destructively crushing on his face.

I heard him grunt, meaning Allen was hurt, but his nose was quite tough because it did not bleed on the first try.

"You just need a tad bit more, and we will be having a red pool party!"

For the second time, I hit him with the same amount of strength I exerted on the first one. And as I thought, his bose broke, and blood trickled down to his mouth.

"HAHAHA! Ain't this fun?! There! There! There!"

I hit and hit and hit and hit Allen on his nose and chin to quench my dissatisfaction, the emptiness, the void in my heart and mind.

"O-Oi, shouldn't we stop him?"

[Kekeke! Magnificent, Esecleus! Truly, amazing! More, more! Show me more!]

Nothing is going inside my head. I can't hear the words or the noise from my surroundings. All I can hear was the superbly exhilarating groan of Allen as the side of my hands made a mess of the face he was so proud


"Hey, Sean, Robert, Ivan, what's going on here?!"

Fear crawled their whole body at the disturbing sight they were witnessing. My hands and smile, I could not stop them.

This whole body of mine is moving of its own volition like I have got no control over it.

"Well, uh, that Esecleus guy challenged Allen in a fight. He said he would bet his flags, and Allen agreed to it."

"That wim— Esecleus guy added a rule which states they'd fight without the flashlight, so Allen came up with the rule that says none of them can give up. The only way for them to win the duel is when someone is knocked out."

Out of all the eight people, six floriculture and two nursing students, Ira was the only one that immediately ran towards the bloody fight that was going on.


Our kanpeki escape from the industrial arts students led us to a far more peaceful journey towards the northwest. Ms. Cristina and Austin went along with me, who currently has three flags in total after I outsmarted two... idiots? Can I really call it outsmarting idiots when they are not smart enough to be outsmarted? I'm confused.

*Rustle, rustle*

"What's that?!"

The three of us were startled. The rustling of the dried leaves sounded so near to us, yet we did not find anyone close to us when we pointed our flashlight in the direction of the noise.

Plenty more crepitations echoed in our ears, and the sound was getting closer and closer, which was terrifying.

"D-Didn't the school tell us that there are no animals in the forest?"


A strange thing fell over my back, and startled, I hurried away out of pure fear, leaving Ms. Cristina and Austin as I screamed like a pig being slaughtered with my arms up in the air.

"I-Ira! Wait for us!"
