Chapter 25

I did not bother myself to wait for them. I just sprinted and sprinted away as far as possible from that particular spot until I was almost out of breath.


Panic attack! Panic attack! My heart is beating so fast!

As I swung my arm, the beam flashed on a group of students that seemed familiar to me.

'Allen? Who is that on the ground? Oh, there are also the lackeys and the other two students.'

The more I got near the scene, the more I realized who the student was. He suddenly kicked Allen in his balls, and I felt that down on my thing. Actually, that sent shivers on my spine.


It was my friend, Esecleus, that teach Allen a lesson.

"Oh, Allen is down! Go, Clause! Get that bastard!"

At first, I was cheering for my friend, of course. However, when he smashed Allen's face with his clasped hands, my whole face trembled.

I thought Clause was gonna stop right there after one hit on Allen's face, but he didn't. In fact, he brutally continued smashing Allen's face with his bare hands. I had to stop him.

My hands grabbed him, restricting him from continuing any further.

"Stop this, Clause. Can't you see that Allen's already unconscious?"

"Oh, Ira. How fancy meeting you here."

When I saw the bloody look on Clause's face, I was taken aback, dread running a course inside my whole body, shaking me down to my core. His eyes were blank. No hint of remorse could be found. Grin that's so wide it could reach his ears and splattered blood, which became the perfect addition to this gruesomeness we witnessed.

I remember when Clause and I first met. But before that, I saw him

scurrying in fear that he did not even notice his phone dropped when he scanned it at the dorm's main door. He was a tad bit clumsy at that time, and I thought the two of us were the same.

However, when I saw his face just now, I was reminded that we have just been friends for a week, and I still don't know that much about Clause.

"Hehehe, look, Ira. I avenged you. I smashed the crap out of Allen's ass."

My hands won't stop trembling. I was taken aback by Clause's bloodshot eyes, wide sinister smile, and bloody appearance.

When was the last time I shivered in fear? Looking back now, it was when I was in 10th grade.

I was pretty docile at that time. One day, one of my classmates asked me to buy him lunch. He was not a bully or some kind of thug because he gave me money. In fact, students adored him for his friendly nature and helpfulness. However, not everyone likes that kind of guy who is always acting like a goody-two-shoes in front of everyone.

On my way back to our classroom, I saw a crowd of students had formed outside, chattering about a fight.

As a curious person, I forced my way inside the classroom with the food I bought from the cafeteria.

"Excuse me, coming through!"

"H-Hey? Stop pushing!"

"Who touched my butt?!"

"Argh! Someone just grabbed my chest! Fucking perverts!"


Squeezing through the thick crowd was not easy as I had thought, considering my wide plate. And when I finally forced my way inside the classroom, my classmates were not there except for the guy that asked me to buy him lunch.

He was on top of another student, his broad shoulders and the clean-cut was the only thing I could see.

"Who is that pig?"

"Hey, this isn't the time to be eating!"

"Get out of there, you fatso!"

"Someone touched my butt again! I hope they die!"

The onlookers' words did not get through my head. My eyes were only fixated on 'him' as he raised his fist and slammed his rock-hard fist towards the student lying on the ground.

Based on how messy the classroom was, I could already imagine how those two fought it off, but that guy came out on top.

When everyone thought everything was over, three more students, who seemed to be the intruder's classmates, arrived on the scene to help.

"Who do you think you are messing with, bast—?!"

It happened so fast that I just realized his fist landed on his enemy's face, thus sending him flying away and crushing on tables and chairs.


"You're already dead!"

Nani?! Smilingly, he stood up against the students facing them without any hint of fear in him. Overwhelming strength was displayed unto us by my classmate, silencing the crowd into confusion.

I caught a glimpse of his facial expression. He was definitely sinisterly grinning with blood on his fist and splatters on his uniform.

It was the same expression that I was seeing on Clause's face at the moment. Both of them seemed to have lost their sanity, and when the two of them were done fighting, they called my name.


And when they did, they both smiled wryly...

Clause got off on top of Allen, silent and looking in one direction I could not trace.

"T-That was dirty, Esecleus! You threw dirt on Allen's eyes!"

Ivan, who was quiet earlier, raised his voice and blocked off Clause's path. But my friend was unfazed, decided to move to the side, and got past Ivan.


Suddenly, he grabbed Clause in the arm, stopping him in his tracks.

"What?" Clause asked glaringly, which made Ivan flinch. "If you have problems with it, then should we also fight? Right here, right now."

Intimating words from my friend made Ivan back down and let go of him.

"There are no rules that say we can't throw dirt or soil on each other. If you have a brain, you should understand that much."

All Ivan did was grit his teeth and watched Clause picked up a flashlight, then turned it on to find his and Allen's flags combined.
