Chapter 30

Haa... Why can't I breathe again? Ugh! My heart. There is something stuck like it's clogged, preventing my heart from pumping blood, and my chest is puffing.

[You see, Esecleus... I am the bad side of you. Seeing how much you were enjoying in life after escaping from the hands of the bullies makes me want to ruin you! If I could become a real person I would trample you and your life and take everything away from you! That is how messed up I am. So don't even try to be happy because I will be watching.]

My eyelids felt heavy. Ahh, I am sleepy. Gradually, my eyes closed, and I did not fight it. I let myself take a rest, for I feel so tired right now. I just wish for things to go back to how it was again.

"I... should call my... parents... tomorrow."

When I thought I'd have a long comfortable sleep, I woke up and came back to the reality I had sought after the nightmarish experience I have.

But when I woke up, the first thing that came to mind was I became blind, or I was still inside the corrupted place where the voice resides.

"I feel tired... and sleepy."

The reason why I could not see was because Ira covered my eyes with his hands, but I immediately brushed him off.

"Ow, argh! My head hurts!"

It is excruciating, like my skull is being drilled open, trying to open a hole on my brain.

"Oh, thank God, you are safe, Clause!"

"I--I can't breathe!"

I found out that Ira was pinching my nose, and his puckered lips was slowly descending to mind. Good thing I woke up before he could take my first kiss without me knowing about it!

However, Ira was much stronger than me, preventing me from getting up from the ground, using both of his hands to cover my eyes.

"D-don't look, Clause. It's not something you'd want to see!"

Persistently, I shoved away Ira's annoying hands and picked up his flashlight to see what he was trying to hide from me.


[Oh, what do we have here? Kekeke! Such a work of art right there! Who would have thought that someone could do so well in killing a human! That perfect cuts on his face, almost unrecognizable, guts pulled out from his body and scattered on the ground, and strangely the crickets are feeding on his blood. Some of them even looked poisoned to death.

"Ahhhhhh!!! Ahhhhh!!! No! Who is that?!"

Bleugh! A lot of things had happened here in this special exam, and my mind could not process all these stress could not cope with all the emotions going on inside of me. My head feels so full, like it is on the verge of bursting, and I am at my endpoint.

I'm turning crazy! That's for sure! I'm shaking. My whole body is shaking, in fear and in utter disturbance. The grotesque state of the man on the ground finally sets the short fuse afire, which will eventually cause my jumbled thoughts to explode. By that time, I don't know if I will still be in my right mind. But I'll just hope that I'll be.

To be mentally strong is something I need to achieve, so that mind-twisting occurrences won't affect me in the near future. Somehow, my gut tells me that this is all just the beginning to a far more insane life. Many more crazy happenings will occur in the incoming days, months, weeks, and years.

"That's why I told you not to look. I warned you, so don't blame me for it."

Ira gently brushed my back with his palm to ease up the sickening feeling in my gut and calm myself down.

"D-Did you do that, Ira?"

I won't dare to look at the corpse again because the unpleasant image of the brutally murdered man was carved on my mind. Even right now, the image is displayed inside my head. Every detail was there, not leaving a single detail out.

"No way in hell!" Exclaimed Ira, swinging his right hand in utter retortion.

"I still think like a human! There is no way I'd kill someone! I'm not as crazy as—"

Ira does not need to finish his sentence. I already knew what it would be, and realizing what he meant somehow hurt me.

"Uh, I--I didn't mean you, Clause," he immediately took back what he just said.

But it was already hurting me inside... Yes, I am crazy. I actually tried killing Allen, and it was indeed fascinating. The best feeling I had after a long time, after my first messy wet dream.

"It is fine, Ira."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Clause. It was not my intention. Really, I'm sorry!"

"Don't be, Ira," I bitterly chuckled to reassure him that I was fine, that it was nothing. "You just said it out of a whim."

"Even if you say it like that..."

[Oops! Students, only 10 minutes left before the special exam ends! Are you still feeling well? Do you wanna go home now? Bear with it for 10 more minutes! Actually, make that 1t or 20 since your professors still need to sort things out with you!]

We can't be too lax since there are only 10 minutes left on the clock because there is still the threat of having our flags captured by others. Also, the murderer that killed the student is still on the run. No one knows what the perpetrator looks like, so there is no telling who's who.

"For now, let's get the hell away from here. Can't have other students blame this on us."

I noticed that there are no surveillance cameras placed on the trees around this part of the forest. Did they forget to put, or did they deliberately leave some places unreachable by their visions?

"Reporting this to the school is the right thing to do, Clause."

"Are you stupid?! Can't you see? My hands are covered in blood. If we report this to the professors, I'd be the first person of interest. I don't wanna be put under investigation. It will be too much hassle."
