Chapter 64.

(Note that this is a work of fiction, any names and events are all fictitious. Happy reading)

It's already past 9:00 P.M. but I can't sleep. I lay on my bed and think things through.

How should I look? Should I wear eyeglasses? Or change my hairstyle? Or the mysterious type?

I think I like the latter. Alright, I'll go with the latter. I'll buy some face masks after I fetch my school uniform. Wearing a face mask or surgical mask inside a Japanese school isn't rare. You could see a lot of students wearing a mask, I don't know if it's because they think it's stylish or they just don't want to inhale illness, air-born viruses.

I'll go with eyeglasses too, I want to look as nerdy as possible. That way, people won't approach me to befriend me or anything of the sort.

As I think things through inside my head, I did not realize that I was slowly falling asleep and just woke up at noon.
