Chapter 65.

(Note that this is a work of fiction, any names and events are all fictitious. Happy reading)

I woke up early in the morning. It was 7:00 in the morning. I prepared my things, notebooks and pens, I have them put inside my bag.

Shit, look at this bag it's so worn out. But still usable though.

'If I go out of my room now, I might come across the tiny evil. Yes, tiny evil, that's what I decided to call her.'

But I need to have my breakfast, or else I'll have no energy later. Let's just wait for her to go out first and leave after that.

I look at a mirror I have. My hair sure is messy. I combed it a little and

leave it again like at what I always look.


8:30 in the morning. Tiny evil should be at school by now. I should quickly eat breakfast and run all the way to school. I can't be late when It's my first day, the second actually.

"Oh Esecleus, you're still here. You'll be late, eat breakfast and go."

'She's like Mom.'

I ate half of what was on my plate and made haste.