Chapter 88

I found myself dumbfoundedly pointing at them when I first entered the room and laid eyes upon them. Immediately, I withdrew my hand and blinked in quick succession to assure myself that I was not seeing things.

'I am not hallucinating or anything. My mind is not playing tricks on me right now. Those three lackeys I saw last night feasting upon each other are here and chitchatting as if nothing happened.'

Silently, while looking down at the floor, I walked directly to my seat and confusedly pondered my wave of thoughts. My mind was not clear and I was questioning if I am living in a nightmare or in reality.

But one thing is for sure, the reality I am living might soon turn into a nightmare.

Profusely, I was sweating and felt the chill run down my spine when my phone suddenly vibrated in my hand, almost let go of it, and fell to the ground.

I took a quick look at it and saw that Jarvan had messaged me.

[Jarvan: The plan is going smoothly. I was able to convince the