Chapter 89

As I wandered around the forest where we are supposed to plant more flowers and seeds, I noticed the same bright orange mushrooms growing on tree trunks.

Weirdly as it may seem, I just brushed the thought off and focused on finishing the task my professor gave us. Thankfully, we were under the trees' shades, otherwise, everyone, including me, would be complaining, although I don't voice out my complaints. I keep them to myself because it's not like it's gonna rain so suddenly if I just keep complaining.

Ira has been acting like he wants to ask me something but could not find the courage to do so, so I went my way and asked.

"You seem worried, is there something wrong?"

The relief on his face upon bringing up looked like it was one hell of a heavyweight out of his chest.

"I heard what happened to you last night. Did the three lackeys do anything bad to you?"