chapter 12

Porsche POV

I am trapped here for almost two weeks,and noone came to save me here. Is kinn forget me?They have  covered my eyes with a blind fold. I can only hear them talk. They torturing me. They never ask for anything,never tell what they want.

"Porsche.." suddenly I hear someone calling my name quitly.

"Who is it? Help me please. Just let me go from here."I want to scream but my voice is not supporting me.

"Shhhh... Porsche don't talk otherwise I can't help you." First I thought kinn is finally here. But  the voice is not his. It's a female.

"Who are you? And here why you want to help me?"I need help that's truth but what if she ask me something to do that I can't.

"We met before don't you remember me. I am that girl who  took kinn home that accident night.My name is som. I have  already told you I am his girlfriend."this bitch,once I got out from here I will dig there grave here.

"Porsche listen to me before someone came here. I am here to save you. I know kinn can sacrifice more loyal dogs like you for me. But you need to get out of here and send my message to him." She removed my blind fold.

"Tell him that I love him as much as he do love me. Told him to came himself ."

"Listen me very carefully first I AM NOT YOUR SERVENT.And second I AM KINN'S BOYFRIEND NOT HIS MESSENGER." I thought she would be shocked but she smile at once.

"Come on Porsche I know you love him so much. Kinn already told me that you will say this. He send me here to save you because it's my father and elder brother who kidnapped you."what's going on?I can't understand.

Suddenly we hear someone's foot steps.So som hide behind some boxes and I pretend to be unconscious.

When I open my eyes there is a handsome less then kinn boy was standing in front of me. He grab my beaten face and call his mens.

"Who hit him?" What type of question is this? I think he will give them reward for making my handsome look this bad.

"Me boss,I am the on who hit him on his face. I also suggest them to give him electric shock but they refuse."one of his men replied smiling ear to ear.

But he get angry and hit that men so hard on his face.

"Take him and give him electric shocks."

"Noo,boss I am sorry...."he is begging to him.but he didn't hear him.

"What you want from me?"I asked him.

"I don't want anything from you I want from kinn."what.what he want from him.

"He is trapping my sister for our personal affairs. I want you to stop him. I thought you are his lover and he love you the most. But in the end he didn't came to save you even when I told him that you are with here is the deal for you, I will let you go if you help me to seprate him and my what is you decision." is what he saying is true does he don't care about me anymore.

"There is no hurry let me know your decision when you got a answer. You can leave here as long as you want."

"Wait there is no need to think. I will help you if you make kinn to say that he did not love me in front of me. I want to hear him. I trust him he will never betray me." I said. I am full confident that he will never say those words.

"Ok,then I will arrange a meeting tonight. Just get ready for your heart to break. "Don't know why but I feel like this guy is worried for me. But such a waste I know kinn love me only. He is not interested in any other boy or girl.






At the same night,he arranged meeting for him with kinn. The meeting room was arranged in a room which has a mirror through which I can see him but he can't see me.

Son's brother and some of his bodyguards are already in that room waiting for kinn.

After some time,kinn enter in the room with his most trusted bodyguards. There was also pete and vegas. Vegas is came for pete I think. They enter the room. All well dressed as always. Kinn is in his red coat.

They sat down on a long black couch.They sat down and start there conversation.

"As I already told you that I have your beloved bodyguard Porsche. So if you want me to release him than don't ever follow my sister." Win(som's brother)  said.and som is also listening him beside him and giving a big smile to kinn.

Just wait just once let kinn said that he only love me after that I will kill you with my own hands

"Just tell who you want I will only give you one of them my sister or your boyfriend."win said.

"What you think who I will choice? My answer is very clear." I know you will take my name.

"I only want my true love. And my true love is som."a slap I felt on my heart and tears started flowing down.
