chapter 13

Kinn POV

When Win asked me to came his house I have got an idea that he is planning something. And I was right he want me to left her annoying sister alone he want me to confess that I love porsche not his sister.

But thank God he didn't bring porsche there otherwise my plan would be ruined.But I still need to find porsche. I was about to call my bodyguard to ask what the progress but I heard a car sound and I went in my balcony to see who came.

It's Porsche I ran all the way down stairs to catch him in my arms but when I reach him he ignored me and went straight to his room and locked the door from inside.

I knocked the door around thousands of times but there is no reply from inside.

I was about to break the door suddenly he came out and start shouting at me.

"What do you want can't I even use my bathroom peacefully" oh he's just using bathroom.

"But why did you locked the door."

" Because I know if I left it open you will ask me many questions like where I was and we will end up on the bad. "So true.* Evil smile on face.

" I don't want to talk right now let me have some rest don't came inside.I am going to sleep. I will tell everything in the night.If will stay at home." Closed the door again.

I think he is hiding something.

Well I will let him rest for now

because he is in really bad condition he look so tired.

Pete POV

" Vegas we need to visit Porsche today. He's back this morning." I told a lazy badboy who is still laying on the bed.

"Ok,also want to apologise to Porsche after all it's all my fault." He replied and got up from bed.

"Then let's get ready"

" Ok,let's bath together and finish our work fast" smiling stupidly.

At Porsche house-

"Hey,boss kinn." As soon as we enter the house I saw boss kinn was coming down stairs holding food in his hands.

" Thank God Pete you are here. Porsche is not eating anything. I hope you can make him eat. Also he is not telling me where were he was?"

" I will talk to him. We don't know from what he go though last days."

I am his friend I am sure he will tell me everything.

I went upstairs. Vegas also want to come with me.

" Vegas can you came later let me talk to him first."

" Ok"

He sat down on a couch in the hall.

I knocked the door.

" Porsche can I come in?"


" Hey how are you doing?" He was standing in the balcony.

" I am ok.what do you want?why are you here?" He was acting Strange.

" I am here for you. Porsche you can tell me everything I am your friend." I said.

" There is nothing to told you just leave me alone."

Ouch,thats hurt.before I said anything he request me to leave again. I was not able to do anything else. So I went back down stairs.

"What happened?did he tell you anything."boss kinn asked.

"No, I think he needs time"

"Let me try?" Vegas asked.

"What you could do? He didn't listen to his friend why will he listen to you."

"Kinn,give me the food and wait for a moment." He took the food and went upstairs.

After around one hour he came back.he came back with empty plates and Porsche.

"I am going out."he said to boss kinn.

"Let me come with you?" Boss asked.

"I don't want to. I want to go out alone." Porsche replied.

"Then take bodyguards with you" boss said.

"I said I want to go out alone."

"Pete, can I go with him."

I think for now it's ok to let him go with him but why they are so close.

Unfortunately I have to say yes.

"Ok,but ask Porsche will he take you with him."

"Porsche I will not let you go out alone again. Atleast take him with you. Or don't go." Boss said  quit harshly.

Porsche said nothing and Vegas followed him out.

After they went out I suggest boss to check Porsche room so that he could find some clue and he agreed.

We grobed his room. And I can't believe what we found.boss was checking bathroom and he found a pregnancy kit which is positive.

" What"boss shouted.

" What happened boss."

" Porsche is pregnant."

"Huh,what are you talking about boss." I asked confusely.

"Look what i I have found."

" Is this for real."

" But he is a boy how could it be?"boss asked.

"Boss there is nothing impossible in 21century"

" You are right. I am so happy. I want to hug Porsche right now.But if it is true than why he looks so angry and sad."

" Boss,i I have seen it he must be scared because he never thought that this could happen. And his mood swings are the symptoms of pregnancy.He could be irritated any time we need to take care of him."

" Ok they i will try my best to comfort him..."

Porsche POV-

After coming back from Win's house I am not feeling well plus kinn is also irritating me. He kept asking where I was?

I know what happens at Win's house was all planned. I love kinn and I trust him the most.I know that there would be a reason for his doings.He is kept asking me that what happen to me? But even I don't know what happened to me. So I tried to Google it.

On my laptop I typed on my search engine about all the symptoms.Firstly I was shocked but then I thought it is some kind of joke. I decided to ask the doctor,so I called a doctor and asked but he also recommend to have a pregnancy test. So I secretly brought a pregnancy kit. And I tested it accordingly to the instructions. But there was only one mark thats means I am not pregnant. Ofcourse how could a men give birth. Suddenly I heard kinn's voice he came to my room with food. But I was not in the mood to eat anything.

So I tell him I don't want to eat but he still tried to force me to eat some. And because of my bad mouth I shouted on him. I think he also got hurt but didn't reply back and went back quietly. After some time I heard Vegas sound he came to my room with the food tray.

I told him about my condition and he suggested me to see doctor but i don't want to make kinn worried so we just live the house by making an excuse that I want to go around.

After some tests Vegas droped me home and went back with Pete back to there home.

" You are back. Here have some water." Kinn came towards me as soon as I entered the house.


"Are you hungry? What do you want to eat."

(Pete adviced kinn  to pretend untill Porsche not tell him about his pregnancy himself.)

"You are acting weird?"

" Not at all I am just worried about your health." He replied and I didn't think much.

"Well I am sleepy I just want to sleep."

"Please atleast drink some juice for my sake."

"Huh,ok but I will take bath first."I went straight to my room.


In early morning I felt a gentle kiss on my forehead. When I woke up it was kinn.

" Did I wake you up?" He asked.

"No, I was already up."

"Sleep more it's still early in this condition you should rest more."

He said as he hold my hands. He looks really happy.

"In what condition?" I asked.

" I have a meeting. I have to go for now but I will be back soon. You should sleep more and have your breakfast on time." He again kiss me on my lips and left the room. He is acting weird but for now I am really sleepy now so I went back to my sweet sleep.


After my meeting I checked my phone their was almost 10missed calls from Porsche.  I didn't even think to call him back and just run back to home.


"What's wrong why are you shouting?" Coming down stairs porsche asked.

" I just saw your missed calls are you ok." I checked him from head to  toe.

" I am fine. I just want you to buy me some oranges. I want to eat oranges."he replied.

" I thought something happens to you." I was so scared to think while he is in this state.


" Pick up your call it could be urgent." Porsche asked me. It's som's call. From the day I got the news of Porsche pregnancy I almost forgot about som.

"No, I can talk later now my priority is you. You should rest you are not looking well. You want oranges I will tell someone to buy them for you."

" No, I want you to come with me to the store and buy them for me."

He made an adorable fake anger face.

"Porsche, I will buy them for you but you are not coming. You should rest."

"Please,we didn't went out together for a long time. please please please...."

Here we go again in front of his Porsche cow eyes I can't survive. He is so cute.

" Ok then let's go but after that we will go and see doctor for a normal checkup because you are not looking well."

" Hmm,Ok" he just got exited on small matters.

Chay POV

"Are you serious hia is pregnant I am going to be uncle." Kim tell me about hia news.

"Yes but don't ask him now kinn wants him to tell everyone when he want to"

" Ok I will be quite."

" I know my cute little are so clever.I am just thinking if Porsche can give birth why you can't." He started teasing me again. Why I got this young kid.

" We should throw a party.we will not let him know about what occasion we are having a party."

" Yeah it's a good idea."

I want to make my brother happy.

Som calls Porsche..



" Is this Porsche"

" Yes, I am"

" I am som. Porsche please tell kinn to call me I want to tell him something urgent."

" Tell me he is busy."

" Porsche I am pregnant with kinn's child and I am so scared right now please tell him to call me back..

Hello...hello...Porsche...are you still on the call I can't here you...."