Dead Monsters?!

The coolest thing is, that I can add some rock dust and stuff to the outside of the spores as well because my amazing skill is already SSS+ rank. Gathering all the brown-colored rocks and dust I could find, I covered all of the spores in that dust to make myself look like a carriage wheel. For the reason why, shut the fuck up and let me have my fun. If anyone was here to see me, all they would see was a 27-foot-tall wheel slowly rolling on its own through the blow-open rock door.

Of course, I would not care if I ran over them. It would be a blessing in disguise. It would be great because I could learn the anatomy of the person or animal I killed, and be able to replicate it with my bloodline ability, Imprinting. I will just assume that it is a bloodline trait, and the only difference between me and the other spores is that I have a consciousness. Of course, this is probably not going to be the case, as I have no idea what is possible in this world.

Anyways, as I entered the new room, I found out it was because of the lack of light or night sky, with no sense of smell or human sense of touch, all I could do in that instance was roll around for hours to touch every object and surface. I found a way to make it more effective and detailed. What I did was first get rid of the wheel shape and rock dust, so I just turned into a giant gall of spores. Based on the flexibility test, I could sort of splat on the wall and other surfaces if I had enough momentum.

That led to a massive big-brain idea. I could just use my flexibility and lower the connection to my spores slightly so I could cover more surface area as well as get a more detailed layout of the room. This only took me probably 45 minutes, as I was huge and could constantly bounce off every wall, which took only 30 minutes. The hard part was getting the ceiling, but that was easily solved by the classic Pressurized Spring contraption.

After I finished it all, I noticed that the layout of this new room had many corpses of creatures I did not recognize. The decor was that of a tomb, except with a pretty big chandelier in the middle of the room, which was of course broken by the way. There was nothing really special about this room besides the corpses stacked in neat piles on the sides of the room, which was a sort of squarish oval shape just like the last room, albeit tons smaller. Although there was nothing that special, I was still excited. Why?

Because of the bones! Finally, something I can try is 'Memorizing', which is what I call a super-advanced version of imprinting, which is like the Shutter effect, but instead of zooming in smaller, it stays the same size like a scanner, recording everything in a perfect copy, and saves it in my memory. Anyways, after I Memorized the bones of those strange animals, I tried replicating each skeleton structure, and it was surprisingly easy, like most MCs in light novels, they only have to think of doing something, and it gets done. It was kind of the same with this, so the people writing them did not get part of their shitty novels wrong.

As I formed my spores into the skeleton of the first corpse, it took the shape of a dog, but with an extremely long tail, disproportionate legs, and a head that looked 10 times bigger than it should. The legs made sense, because the long legs were in the front, which could bend down shorter than the back legs, which require very flexible tendons. With this feature, I could guess that this creature is an ambush-type creature, and with its very dense bone structure, I could guess the fur on it would also be pretty thick. However, it could not protect itself against old age. Such a shame. I would have loved to copy the full specimen, with skin and, most likely, its fur. I am pretty sure I could Memorize the texture and structure of skin and fur, at the very least. I named this species Alter Hounds.

Anyways, the next creature was a 10-foot-long lizard, with massive bone spikes coming out of his spine, each 8 inches long. The most special thing was not even the bone spikes, but the armor made of bone that protected its underside and head. Each panel of bone was in a sort of hexagon shape, but it was stretched out to interconnect with every other one. It looked sick as fuck and would probably look even sicker if it had the skin on it. The only conclusion I could come up with was that it did not have bone armor on its back as well because, in any reptile, the underside is its most vulnerable part. The skin on it could be as hard as the bone armor on the top and super soft on the bottom, making the skeleton that I have in my memory now. I named this creature the Tankasourus. I thought there would be more, but it was just a repeat of the same 8 animals stacked up to the ceiling, so I Memorized the best-preserved specimens.

The third one I copied looked like a traditional bat, but was as big as the lizard height-wise, and had a wingspan close to ¼ of the room I am in currently. I can't even begin to explain how lucky I was to find such a well-preserved one. So I won't. Now the summary of the animal was not special except for its wingspan and size, so I give it 2/10 stars on The name I chose for the bat is Death's shadow. Next!