Dead Monsters?! (Part 2)

Onto the 4th one now. It looked exactly like a mole, but it was also 10 fold the size of a normal one, so it looked more like a Diglett than a mole. I am starting to get a sense that everything is much larger here than there is on Earth. Ah, I also assumed that I am either in some sort of dungeon, a classic reincarnation story, or I am really in a temple, and the bones could be extinct experimental specimens, and this temple was for an ancient civilization or something. Or they could just be decoration. I don't know. Anyways, there was nothing really special about the humongous mole, other than its massive claws on its hands and feet, as well as teeth. The teeth by themselves looked like they could shred steel beams like paper, if not easier. The claws looked like butcher knives, except on a smaller scale.

I am guessing that this creature was used to dig under the ground to secretly attack prey or just find food, like uprooting trees. I am just making assumptions, but I am pretty sure that the first one is more sensible than the second one. This one I named Garden Menace. Anyways, one of my favorites is coming up, as number 5.

The next monster specimen looked quite like a soccer ball, with his hexagonal plates that connect to create a ball-like shape. My first thought was 'how this was made of all bones if there was no opening?' That is because the coolest thing about it is that each plate has a stem connecting a spine in the middle of the ball. If the muscles on the animal were on it, it could be able to lift each panel to bash the opponents and launch itself in the air. what I would love to see this animal with all of the muscles working roll slowly because the plates would extend and retract in a rhythm that would look amazing. Sadly, I cannot look at myself moving because there is no moisture to see myself. The one thing my bloodline ability cannot do is make an image of myself, which is sad. Anyway, there must be some massive explosive power to move those thick plates. Each plate was 1 inch thick, and probably had bumps or spikes on the bone that have been worn off. For this species, I labeled them Ballers. Anyways, onto the 6th one.

For number 6, it was the second flying animal if found, however, it was not what you would expect. Was it an insect? A cockroach to be precise. The thing probably looked disgusting in life due to its size. This one was just big, nothing else. I guess its predatory ability was to scare the other opponent into a traumatized state, which was probably very rare. There were different sizes in each roach, so there's probably some formation to have meat shields in front, and other roaches with different abilities. I'm almost hoping they have an acid-spitting one because that is such a classic isekai thing to do. Anyway, this was the most boring one that I have come across yet, and there are only 8 creatures that I found! I just called them Roaches. These disgusting creatures don't need a cool name. Anyways, on to the next one.

Coming in with number 7, we have a frog. As expected it is extremely large, even larger than the previous one. I think this would be a top predator, because of its giant bone structure in its front 'hands'? I can't tell how long its tongue is because it's not bone, but the other neat thing is that it has no eyes, so I guess that it has very sensitive ears or touch so it can navigate. It may also have advanced vocal cords to use echolocation, maybe. Anyways, it is probably a top predator. Why do I say it's not the TOP predator? Well, that's for the last, but not least, monster. Anyways, this is just a giant frog with no eyes and big hands. I called these Stomp Hoppers.

#8 was saved for last because this has got to be the top predator outside this temple/dungeon. It looked similar to a monkey, as many monsters are in light novels. This one most likely was the top predator in this place, wherever this was. The thickness of the arm bones was as thick as trees, well, metaphorically at least, and its chest was ginormous. It looked like it could give an elephant a spin with its pinky. I will call this monstrosity of a monkey the Great Ape species.

Even though it looks so strong, I still think I could take it. This might be a bit overconfident, but I will not be humbled like all the other main characters. With all the types of bone structures and textures from them I have Memorized, I can now manipulate my spores to the right density, weight, mass, and size of all the bones, as well as increase or decrease their size, by either adding, subtracting, compressing or decompressing the spores. With all the things I have learned to do with the spores over the years, or half a year in HT, or human time.

Now that I have learned the bone structures of all the beasts in this room, and I have no doubt that there are many more, I set out to the door. The door in question looks exactly like the previous door, so I wanted to try something different. Since I only have the bone structure, and no ligaments or muscles or tendons or anything, I cannot fully model myself to a moving structure because, even I, can't replicate things I have not Imprinted. So what I tried to do is create the exact structure and density of the hand from the Stomp Hopper, and when it was created, I flung it back with a thick spore rope-like connection that, when I whipped it forward, I smashed the door down even faster and powerful than the roll I did to destroy the previous door.

It must be that I must be reaching the outside because every room is going away from my birthplace.

<..You can now implant your spores onto 'Bone'>

A little late, huh? Anyways, I found out that the system I have can detect different materials and give me the ability to implant my spores onto different things. I found this out during my Imprinting of the first room when I tried planting on the Alterian Energy crystals, trying to see if it would make the spores grow faster. Upon plating them, the system recognized and allowed me to implant them. Also, it did speed up the process from 7 days to 4, which was helpful to imprint faster. Anyways, I probably need to check my skills, to which a new one was added, *click*