Finally, Outside!

[SSS+-Coalesce Lv.Max|Active]

You can gather materials you come into contact with around you and use them as an extension of yourself. You can choose what to use and what not to use. [ can lift heavier objects when leveling up.] { Spore count: Alter Spores: 37,422,039,600.}


You can implant spores into different materials. It can also work on living organisms, as parasites controlled by you. The higher the rank of the skill is, the higher level the of organisms you can infect.

[SSS+-Imprint Lv.Max|Active]

The User can scan the surface he touches. The radius of this skill depends on the level the user is at and the amount of detail the user has is dependent on his mass.

{Second ability: Memorize|Active}

[This allows the User to perfectly copy the object or specimen he is imprinting, saving it in his memory to use or transform into later.]

Wow! It seems that I have one type of spore only. This means that there must be some other way to get different types of spores. I have a pretty neat theory that since the [Implant] skill reminded me that I can Implant on DIFFERENT materials, meaning that it might be possible to collect different types of spores if I plant them on different materials. This is only a shaky hypothesis, but I have a gut feeling that this will work.

Alright, before I go into the next room, I will use the skill [implant] to plant some spores on the bones of the dead creatures. 3 on the weakest of the 8 monsters, which I would assume is the smallest Roach, and three on the strongest, which would be the Great Ape. I did this to test whether my original theory was correct or not and if it was, to see if the strength or texture of the 'bone spores' would be stronger or weaker than the second batch. After I finished that, I readied myself into a giant ball and leisurely rolled my way to the next room.

Absentmindedly thinking about all the possibilities that I could use my new skill for, I rolled along the threshold, unaware of the giant ax swinging at me from the right. Finally sensing that I was in danger, I immediately imprinted the area around me, and right after I finished printing, something sharp pierced my body. Although the blade itself could not do anything to hurt me, and my spores are much too small to be cut by such a large ax, I was still in a compact form and was unexpectedly in danger, so I was knocked across the room. This was a blessing because now I could imprint at a much faster pace while rolling.

As I came to a halt, I thoroughly imprinted the whole room. And boy, was it small. Well at least compared to the other two rooms. Anyways, after getting hit by that ax, I was fucking mad that I had not had the foresight to think that there would not be any traps. I mean, in the previous room there were hundreds of monster skeletons!

What the fuck was I thinking this musty, dusty place was incapable of having any traps. Anyways, even though I imprinted as much as possible, there are still some fine details missing. So, having over 37 billion spores, I sent them out in a spider web-like pattern, testing out how long my range can be. It turns out that it does not matter how long the connection is, as long as it is connected to me, I am fine.

In less than 5 ST minutes, I was able to cover the entire room in a very thin layer of my spores, which sounds disgusting, but they are barely visible, or otherwise, I would be ginormous if I had slightly bigger spores, because 37 billion 1-inch spores would be catastrophic. Anyways, the weird thing is that as the ax hit my body, it snapped off of the hills and rebounded off of me to imbed itself in a wall. Turns out the trap was so old that the wood was so rotten it could snap at any given moment. I must commend the people who built this place, which is probably all dead.

With that out of the way, it's time to exit this place. Yes, I said exit. During those 5 minutes, I found that there is one section of this room that was a door-like hole, which had to be a door. As I could not feel it, I could not sense the wind that was probably blowing through it. I was elated that I finally found my way out.

'YES!!!!' I screamed internally. Being alone for so long was agonizing. Now, back to the topic at hand. Rolling toward the only part I could not imprint, which looked very ominous, as you can imagine if you were partially blind.

I was also constantly imprinting, just in case, there was another trap. That previous one woke me up from all that repetition for 10 years straight. Having infinite stamina and no need for sleep is a blessing and a curse. Anyways, as I sensed no danger coming my way as I rolled into the unknown, I noticed the different textures that I found while imprinting.

First, there was grass. I never knew how much I missed grass. The only thing that would have been better was to have the feeling of touch, which I cannot have until I have something that can Memorize with flesh, muscles, and brain. Well, anything that makes up a full organism.

Alright, let's assess this situation. So I just came out of a temple-like cave system. That could mean that this was under a mountain. To test that, I will launch a rope above the entrance to see if it is solid. As I thought of that, I created it and flung it above me.

Like I thought, the temple was carved into the side of a mountain. This could be very useful for later. Creating a massive Pressurized Spring, I launched all 37 billion spores into the air, straight up in the air, always flinging small strings of spores out to imprint. It was not until the peak of my flight that my string was not connecting. Thinking this must be the top, I made a big rope and immediately clung to the lip of the cliff. Pulling myself up, I imprinted repeatedly to get as much radius as possible of my surroundings.