
Turns out that my hypothesis was correct. My full plan was to get the rest of the spores through the ground, which would probably equal the trillions if the time I took would have been about a year in spore time. The way I would make them collect with me through the mountain is to compress the ones I am currently to the smallest size possible, which could be compressed to be barely smaller than an atom. Doing so would be a great risk, as I could lose control of them halfway through the mountain, and the mountain would collapse in on itself because of the destabilization of more mass in a fixed set of mass.

Still, I could not complete what I wanted to do faster than the plan I had now. Stealing my resolve, I separated myself from most of the spores I have collected, making myself still have some leftovers to create more spores in case my plan failed. Letting them sink into the mountain until I could feel the connection of the other spores I left behind. Not feeling my spores other than the ones I have on me was very nerve-wracking.

The mountain could collapse at any moment and I would have to leave with a failed plan and fewer spores. I would be like a billionaire investing in a giant financial fund for it to turn into bad investments and become poor. After waiting for what seemed like hours, and until the dew gathered on the grass, which would most likely show that it was morning, I finally felt a weak connection. Urging the both to merge, I felt the connection get stronger and stronger until there was a connection as strong as the one I have between me and the spores I am currently connected with.

Happy my plan worked, but unhappy that this followed the same plot any main character would in a regular isekai, I tugged with all my might on that strong connection, but carefully compressed all of them into a super-thin rope, so there was a single line going through the mountain at a relatively quick rate, so it would be too destabilized. When the first couple million spores came through the top of the mountain, I realized that there was no real way to count how many there would be on top of the mountain, so I just waited and waited.

After waiting what felt like forever, I felt the last strand of my new spores rest on the giant mount of the rest of them. I let them decompress to their original size, but with the great weight that I felt would break down the mountain, I created a giant tower out of all of them for the night, not that I could sleep. Now I think it is time to check how many spores I have now! *click*

{Spore Count: Alter Spores-145,874,675,022,328}

{Bone Spores 325,807,990}

'Wait what?!' I thought, trying to comprehend the new numbers. How can I have so many bone spores? I truly am happy that my theory worked, but still, I don't know how there were that many. Then again, since my theory was right about that, then it also might be possible that my other theory was that each different material I could implant on would have a different time for spore production. Turns out that organic materials could potentially have a more adaptable energy source, making the maturity cycle faster.

It was confusing, but if you put it into a logical situation, it is luckier than an unprecedented mystery. Anyways, time for my big-brain idea. I call it 'The blanket Operation'. The plan itself is pretty simple to think of. I will just spread all 145 trillion in a thin blanket, around 1-2 spores thick. The math is too complicated to do in my head, but I think it will at least be miles. Each one will constantly be imprinting, so I can 'see' everything in this place.

I think it is a forest due to the tower I made, which has little threads already spreading out in the wind. Thus began the start of the Operation. I could tell this could take a while so as they spread out, I built a contraption that would spread me out further. It is sort of like an air cannon, but with spores.

As this would speed up the process, all I had to do was wait until all the spores were in a perfect net to cover the most they could. As the spores were settling down to the ground, there would be spots without any imprinting, even after I stretched the radius of the ability to the max. When I finally settled on the ground, the first thing I did was gather all of my spores together in one place. With the mixture of bone and Alter spores, I looked pretty weird, a big green ball with little white splotches in it. At least, that is what I think I looked like.

Anyways, there are trees, rocks, and probably some animals and monsters, even though they could not feel it, as my spores could compress as small as atoms. Rolling leisurely to the spots that have not been imprinted, which were probably the ones with animals walking away from the spot when the spores fell. Rolling over to the first one, there was no sign that anything was there at all, except for some weird indentations that did not match the creatures I Memorized. This excited me because it means there are more animals than the 8 I know.

And by the age I have estimated those bones to be, there might be some descendants of those. And if so, then I could probably easily get my ultimate goal, at least one of them. Anyways, I reach every spot that has not been imprinted and cover them and imprint. I also Memorize the tracks so I can identify some of the animals I might come across.

As for naming them, I can name them whatever the fuck I won't, because I don't know shit about this forest, and probably not for a while, especially if I want to accomplish my goals as soon as possible. Anyways, I found about 15 new species, based on their footprints. This is great, for it could bring me new skills and also more spores if the skill [Implant] is what I think it is. Anyways, now that I have covered everything, I can see probably as well as if I had eyes, if not better.