Rescued or Captured?!

As the leader of the pack slowly menacingly trotted towards me, the others seemed to follow in the same way, albeit not as menacing as the leader. After a self-reflection about how I should not have left half of my mass in the cave, I could only wait in anticipation of the one-sided murder that would happen. This has happened many times in gang fights and such back on earth, except most of the disputes, could be talked out of or begged. The problem with that is that these were animals, and even if they could talk, I could not.

Resolving myself for the fight of my new life, I replicated the rest of my spores into the ax head, creating millions of blades around my body, leaving little spaces in between for movement and launching. Shooting myself into the middle of the group, I exploded myself into regular size axes, around the size of the heads of the hounds. 'Seeing' Many bodies fall to the ground, I collected all of my spores into myself again and rapidly sliced and hacked at the remaining 21. After what seemed like hours of separating, avoiding, and slicing, I was thanking every god I could think of for my infinite stamina.

Searching around me with a cloud of spores, I found that there were three more, excluding the leader, which I could not find with the cloud. Doing both attacks on hounds, I simply extended the butcher knife-like behind me, stabbing into the backs of the Altar Hounds, paralyzing them and most likely killing them. The only hound left was the leader, which I could not find. Finally, with a moment of peace, I checked how much mass I have left after hours of biting and chewing the hounds. *click*

{Spore Count: Alter Spores-37,338,463,}

{Bone Spores-7,990}

'Jesus fuck!' I thought furiously. I lost a shit ton of spores to these monsters. Still, this is not the time to spiral into a cycle of depression. The leader of these disgusting creatures is still out there, and my senses cannot sense him because of the loss of spores.

Rolling around with fervor, I tried to sense the leader but to no avail. Thinking that the leader retreated or was hurt, I slowed down, but that was when I felt the rumbling of something massive. It was only after my danger detected something life-threatening that I felt a light pop against my body, and then everything went black.

'What happened?' I thought, confused. Why can't I move? Wasn't I just searching for the leader of the Altar Hounds after defeating the rest of them? It was at that moment that I remembered that something slammed into me while activating my danger sense. Not willing to admit it, I think that I lost.

Losing. Loss is something that I am not very familiar with. There was nothing connected or important to me, so there was nothing to lose, even in the fights that I got into. But in this world, there is something that I must never lose. My life

Losing my life has never been an issue before, but now that I have gotten a second chance, the thought of losing my life terrifies me. That is why I have resolved to live my life in this new world more cautiously. Thinking that nothing could kill me was a past-world thought. Though nothing could have killed me beside the vaporization of every spore, I did not take into account that many other factors in this world could kill me, not just the natural things that were on earth.

Anyways, losing will never be an option in the future, for it has made me realize I should get stronger, not just search for more things that could, and would, kill me. The first thing that I need to do is find out where the fuck I am. Forgetting that I could Imprint for a second, I immediately went into doing so.

As I began to do so, I felt pressure against what reminded me of my precious spores. It seemed that I was juggling inside what seemed to be a small bag, swinging back and forth, like a ship at sea. Never being on a ship back on earth, I can tell you that it was not the most pleasant of experiences.

Trying to adjust to the new rhythm of the swinging, I just stayed still. Although I could easily get out of this situation, I just went with it. There is not much I could do even if I got out. After the poor encounter with the hounds, I am cautious of new situations, trying not to have a repeat of last time.

The craftsmanship of the bag, I am in, and the reason I knew that this is a bag, makes me think that this is a bipedal creature with at least some semblance of consciousness and intelligence. If I am going back to a village or camp of their species, then there may be a way to get back all my previous mass and even get more land to control. After a while, there was a sudden stop of all movement of the bag, which means that whoever the creatures that found me had stopped. This could also mean that they have arrived at their destination.

Created a thin cloud of spores, which I sparingly used because I checked how many I have, and I lost all of my bone spores and have only 1,876,592 regular ones. Whatever knocked me out must have been some kind of laser or cannon or something, because I had 36 million left of regular, and now I lost all but 1 million of them. Whatever used that thing must have thought that they killed me, because otherwise, they would have finished the job, or at least stuck around. Another possibility is that the creatures who captured me killed it and brought me along with them.

Thinking that the second option would have been just as likely to happen, I have

to keep my guard up against these beasts in case things get nasty. After a few moments of silence, the bag I was in was suddenly picked up and turned upside down, which ended with me falling out of it with a splat. Why was there a splat? It was me!