Side Quest?!

I decided to turn myself into one of the most generic and most harmless things in any Isekai world. A slime. With all the time I had to choose the perfect form to fool these creatures, I chose something that is so commonplace in these types of worlds that it has to exist. The only thing that I could not account for is the condition and shape I was in before I chose to turn into a slime.

It should not really matter much because, as basic knowledge of slimes goes, they can withstand almost any environment and always take a gelatinous form when back in basic state. So I don't really have to worry about that. Another cool thing is that slimes are known to take many different colors, so green should not be very hard to find. Anyways, going along with this plan, I reformed as slime-like as possible, and with as many exaggerated movements as I can to make myself seem intelligent.

With all my spores collecting into slime shape, I swayed slowly back and forth, trying to show I could barely hold myself together, just like slime. What I thought would be acceptable to do is let out a little cloud of spores, compressed down so that almost nothing could see it, not even me. With that in mind, I started Imprinting anything as much as possible, spreading the cloud as far as it could go. And boy oh boy, did I get a lot of feedback.

First off, I identified that their are 3 life forms in this room, and I discerned this by keeping one or two spores on everything at all times, so anything that moves could be seen and sensed by me. Another way I noticed that they are living is the way that they move. Their are certain things you can detect with Imprinting that you cannot detect as if you are seeing. One thing is patterns.

While imprinting, it shows the patterns something takes, and depending on if the object is moving faster or slower, the tempo of the patterns match it. The problem with living organisms is that their patterns are very complexe, if non-existent. Those are the patterns that everything has. That is the true way I see.

Anyways, the most interesting thing about the organisms is the way they looked. They looked exactly like little girls, except for 3 distinct protrusions growing out of them that do not match a human's anatomy, and those are tails and cat ears. This piqued my chinobyu in me, as any teen with culture in their veins loves cat girls. In my particular opinion, age is only a number, and the issue with that is that their were things called police officers.

However, none of that was present here. Here, their were no police officers, or any enforcers of the likes. This was the wild, where predators hunted prey, and the strong rule the weak. And that is what I intend to do.

I will become the strongest creature in the forest and one day rule it, for it will be my new playground. That is the one of the many goals I have set out to accomplish in my new life, my second chance. And I will not let this go to waste. Anyways, With every breath they take, and every move they make, they collect more and more spores onto them, until I get a full picture of what they look like and the actions that they make.

The one on the left was a girl shorter than the other two, with big round eyes that did not match her cute, round face. Her petite frame was definitely a feast for the eyes. The dress she was wearing was not a fashion statement for sure, but it did show off her assets, which were proportionally out of place for a girl of her size. Her hair was the color of the rising sun, with light yellow highlights hanging off the end of each beautiful lock. Her tail was silky and fluffy, with stripes of yellow and orange wrapping around it like cotton candy. And finally, probably the most beautiful part of her body is her eyes. Unlike her yellow, orange, and red combinations, her eyes were a perfectly mellow red, so much so that you could lose yourself trying to find out which color they were. I would rate her a 9 out of 10.

Next up is the one on the right, coming in at an immediate 10 out of 10, based on the ass to tit ratio alone. The sizes were so perfect you would think a master sculpture made them. The body this time does match her assets as well as her face, which had regularly sized eyes and an oval like face with a slightly pointed chin. The hair from her ears to her tail is a crystalline blue, which was so vibrant it looked like it was straight from the arctic oceans. Unlike the previous girl, her hair color did not have any highlights, and the color of her hair matches her eye color perfectly, which was a deep blue. This girl would easily be one of the top models in any country back on Earth, easily.

And finally, the middle girl. She could not even be described as a girl, more of like a goddess. As fine as all the other two girls were, she was even more beautiful. Her attitude reeked of confidence, by the way she moved and the sway of her boobs and ass. Even though her attitude might not be the best, she would have made a great girlfriend or wife anyways. As for her hair, it was forest green, so much so that it looked like long strands of fresh moss, with some brown highlights as well. Her eyes were a delicate brown, with small sparks inside. For me, at least, she would be an 11 out of 10.

She must have been the one to have caught me. This could be a great opportunity to use her to gain some control over this situation. Yes these girls are cute, and they looked about the age of adulthood, but the main objective is to control the forest, not simp over some oversized cats. Still, the thought of dominating a whole village of cat girls does sound enticing, and I do need to rack up a ton of spores.

This might be the perfect break I need from all those years of farming. Alright, I have made a quick little side quest for myself, and it goes something like this


1# Befriend the village

2# Control all the inhabitants

3# Plant new spore farms

4# Create a home and base for myself with a harem of catgirls

5# Go conquer more land with any maps or stuff found in the village.