Only Underwear?!

With my side quest checklist completed, I set out to do step number one; befriend the village. After observing the cute little girls, and after they kept observing me in silence, I decided to inch towards the end of the surface they put me on, trying to gauge how much they care for me. After the girls realized what I was doing, they quickly rushed over to stop me from falling off. It was then that I realized my plan had a flaw in it. I needed to hear them know how much they would do for me!

Focusing on their ears, I tried Memorizing living flesh and the details needed to perfectly imitate it. After a long moment of doing so, I was able to form tiny holes in the side of my slime body to be able to comprehend them.

{Skill Learned: Comprehension}

{Language type: Beastkin}

'Well this is interesting,' I thought. Who knew that trying new things with the skills I had would lead to more skills. Seems like a classic isekai thing to do, just not very common. Anyways, now I can hear what they are saying. Thank you, System!

"What do you think this thing is?" Left cat said. ( I will call them left, middle, and right cats until their names are announced)

"Why the hell would you think I would know? This slime certainly is not normal!" Middle cat said. The attitude she has certainly matched the way she had been acting before I could hear them. And also, what was with me not being normal? I thought that my disguise was perfect! Well, at least I can have solace in that a slime exists in this world.

"Why must you two bicker all the time? So what if it is a different color? Maybe it has a different effect when we use it as materials," the Right cat said. She certainly seems to be the more rational but timid one of the three. And the slimes here are used as materials?! This was not in the plan. As I sensed it in horror, I could see all of the cats nodding their heads in agreement, and mumbling how the effects of me would be trash.

If anything, it would be the most OP materials they will ever encounter! But that's not gonna happen, because I will show them I am more than just some trash material. With much vigor, I tried to mold myself into the bag that I was in. Although it may not be the best idea, it has to be better than getting killed, or worse, being used as underwear.

With shocked expressions, all the girls stared on in wonder at my spectacular new form.

"Wow, this slime can transform!" Said the Left cat.

"Hmf, it can only turn into a bag? Not much use if we can already make such crap on our own." Said the middle cat.

"I think that this would be more useful to us as a whole than as separate materials, and it seems to be sturdy enough to use as actual equipment and would not wear down over time." Said the Right cat.

So, the mighty me has been downgraded to an interchangeable item that does not wear or tear. This would seem like a great commercial item if it was not me who would be sold. Anyways, I transformed it into the big ax that I Memorized way back when, and that is when all the girls starred with unreadable expressions. It was almost like they have never seen such a thing before.

Could it be possible that women and girls were not allowed to fight or have rights to weapons? This would seem to be the case because as soon as I changed to this form, Which is the only other one I know, all three dashed the door of this little cottage, which I forgot to mention earlier. Minutes later, a tall male beastkin, at least that is what I think they are called, walked in, stooping through the doorway. The man was a giant compared to me, alone ax in the middle of a cottage.

Slowly but surely, the features of this mysterious animal became clearer as the spores connected themselves to him. He was around 6 foot 11 and had many scars over his arms and chest. The hands of this man looked like he could crush boulders with them. The most intriguing thing about this man is his eyes.

One eye was closed shut, but his movements and patterns were different if he could see with both. Even without sensing malicious intent from him, he has an aura that screams danger and strength. This was one guy that I neither had the power nor the skill to fight at the moment, so the best course of action is to befriend him as step one said.

His height alone made me second guess how easy it would be to overtake the village. He took a look at the ax and then at the girls, who were hiding directly behind him, seemingly shying away from me, not that that was my attention.

"Why do you girls keep going into the forest, or even beyond the village, no matter how many times I tell you not to? It is even more unacceptable to bring things from the forest into the village." He reprimanded, shaking his head and sighing. The fatherly attitude of this man is commendable, changing my first opinion of him as a cold-hearted warrior. The girls behind him shrunk back, even more, ears drooping.

"We're sorry, Elder!" They all said heads bowed in formal apology, looking very disappointed that they were caught. Not like it's any of my business, but I think that controlling the group of girls first could be a great step to take down the Elder, who I assume is the leader of this village, as he had said before. Anyways, back to the task at hand.