New Leadership

All of them have great uses, but I can rule out texture as it only does one specific thing, and I can already do it on a larger scale. This evolution will only make it more precise. So Texture Spore is out. That leaves Excel and Stable. Stable is good, but only if I want to always defend, as It will not help with the attack. That leaves Excel. Although it does not help with attack or defense, it helps with tacticality and utility, which is what manipulation is all about.

If my hypothesis is true, the Excel Spore is the best option. With a bit of hesitation, I mentally clicked on [Excel Spore]. With a crisp ding, my mind went fuzzy, until everything went to black, well, blacker than it already was six feet under. Waking up a little later, I found myself…exactly where I was before I clicked the evolution!

Nothing seemed to have changed with my appearance. I am still mimicking Gallen. Having a feeling that more time has passed than I feel like it has, I switched back into a blob. What I found out as I de-morphed is that I could compress myself way smaller than before. Not only did it make my de-formation faster, which is now .5 seconds instead of 1, but it upgraded my ability to be able to shrink myself.

Anyways, it's time for the final step of my plan, which is a long-term one. Going subatomic, I spin myself faster in a spiral-like form, making a drill of some sort, not that it is displacing anything. Using this method to go faster, I sped through the dirt and clay extremely fast. After a couple of minutes of phasing through the ground, I stopped myself and slithered to the surface.

Getting my bearings, it seems like I am just on the outskirts of the village, near the rear wall with all the officials. Where I need to be is where the daughters of the village Elder. I guess it is time for me to test out my new skill, Spore Transfer.

Upon thinking of that skill, all the locations that my spores have spread appear in my headspace, sort of like a security display in movies. As luck would have it, they seem to have spread right into the meadow where the fighting force was buried. Concentrating on wanting to go there, I felt an imbalance in my construct, and less than a second later I was in that exact spot.

I wonder why it is so easy to use skills? I honestly think some skills should be harder to use than others, based on their difficulty or their purpose. But I guess that is what ranking up does. Anyways, I start rolling myself up the hill towards the most important house in the village. The Elder's house.

Rolling up to the house, I went to the back window, which I found out that was the first time I went here, which was when I got captured. Using the technique that I came up with, I morphed ears and eyeballs onto my blob, and then made them windup barley to the window, peeking inside. I found I could do this in the woods after I woke up from copying Gallen, and it already has amazing usage.

Using different appendages at the same time while not in the whole construct of the copied body is very useful. Anyways, as I peered over the edge, I could see all three girls sitting at a table in the middle of the room, which was not that big. What I did not expect to see was Argas also in the room with them.

While increasing the wavelengths of voice vibrations to my ears, I instantly heard them talking like they were right next to me.

"Gallen, your father, wanted me to give you these if he ever passed away and was not able to watch you grow up. These three boxes each have a part of your father, so you can remember him after he is gone." Argas stated, voice cracked and dry, probably from crying.

Handing them each a box made out of some type of lacquered wood, Argas waited for each girl to accept their box. The green haired girl was the first one to open hers. Since I have eyes not, I don't have to concentrate on pushing my spores and imprinting new spaces anymore. Oh shit! That's right! I need to contract all of the spores I spent on imprinting the town! What a waste of spores.

Anyways, that is not important now, so I will do that later. Seeing the cat girl open the box, the other girls followed suit, and what they had in their boxes surprised not only them but also me, for I have never seen anything like it in my entire time being in this village.

In all the boxes, their was a piece of jewelry. Each one was different, but all made of the same material. The green haired daughter got a pair of green stone earrings, encrusted with gold.

The green stone seemed to have a radiant glow to it, similar to the Alterian Energy crystals in the temple. The only difference between them is that the aura it admitted was much different from the crystals.

The girl on the left of the green haired one was the red haired one. What she held in her small, childish hand was a ring. The ring was a mix of goldish yellow and red, banded together to make a ring. The ring was also encrusted, except with a shiny silver coating around the rim.

For the last girl, who was the blue haired one, got a necklace. The necklace had an oval shaped stone embroidered with silver as well, the chain also made of silver, however it was of a lighter shade.

The stone itself was bright cyan, with little stars of white mixed in it. I don't know if that is natural, or if it is put in their on purpose. I think it is the latter. Anyways, the way the girls looked at each object was one of sadness, happiness, and satisfaction.