Chunky Boi?!

Although they could have relied on the fighting force, the display today about how the fighting force was decimated by the Apes, they must have gotten more paranoid. If I would have destroyed any of this or killed the owner, that would disrupt the hierarchy and cause conflict throughout the village.

Although it would be good for a short while, it would interrupt the growth of the daughters, which are needed for me to take control of this future base. Anyways, with that thought in mind, I did the same and used the same method to get into this room to get out of this room.

After sliding down the wall to outside the door, I closed the door to not let the owner of this house be suspicious that someone was here. Rolling down the stone stairs, I got outside of the house with ease. It was only until I got back to my original self that I sent out all of the other ones.

Sending out the first one again, I made sure that their were no security measures in place for all of the other officials. Sensing that their was nothing their, I proceeded with sending the 12 other parts of me inside the houses for implantation.

Turns out that their is a basement to each of the other houses. Thanking my luck, I hurriedly went down into the basements. In them were just old furniture and clothes, which I would assume that the higher class got a lot of them.

Choosing to place the spores in the basement was actually a pretty good idea, because of the dust and old, moldy clothes could possibly fool them that mushrooms grow out of the organic material. Bussin out of the houses as fast and quietly as possible, I repeated that roces for the other 13 official houses.

The other thirteen were just the same as the other ones, excluding the experimentalists one. It was only until I got my spores back that I realized how many houses I had to get to to fill them with spores. This was a very troublesome problem, because I wanted to get out of this village before I found out.

Rolling back and forth in a pacing motion. I tried thinking of ways that I could do a mass invasion of each house. That's when I thought of how close the houses were to each other, and they were lined in almost perfect rows along the streets. If I can somehow make a tunnel connecting each house to each other beneath the floors, I could probably have a massive system that all connects together to one big room, which would have a massive amount of mushrooms.

Having this revelation, I immediately went to work on digging, sending out all 12 of the split consciousness to burrow deep into the ground and dig tunnels connecting the houses. This would have been impossible if I had not split myself up, because then I would not be able to direct them where to go if I could not see the houses.

I made my original body crawl up to the top of the biggest house so I could see all of the houses I would need to connect. Iit would seem that each road has about ten houses on each side and out twenty back roads that lead to apartment-like buildings, probably for the lower class. Since their is a 6 split in the town square, it would equal quite a lot of inhabitants. The 1,000+ Beastkin living here must be pretty cramped, even with all of the apartments.

Unless they fuck like rabbits, they should have died out just by the over crowding of the population. I wonder if one of the decrees would be the expansion of the village, because they think Gallen killed the biggest threat to them. Although the Great Apes were the most immediate danger, I have different plans.

As to why my plans are taking so long, it is because I have almost never had any control over my life or anyone else in my first life. Now that I have a second chance, I am going to live it to the fullest. Anyways, now that I have a birds eye view of the entire town, I realize how expensive it is.

Although the area they have to work with is pretty small compared to the kingdoms that I have seen in anime and light novels, it was filled to the brim with houses. Although the more Beastkin is better, for the reason of getting resources and making products to live, they need to expand for it to be even more effective. Maybe I can manipulate the future Elder or Elders to do it.

Anyways, I directed the new drills to dig tunnels to each house. This also did not include the tenements, as the beasts would not necessarily know what I am,and would probably leave me alone. Besides, it would not matter much as I have skill now, so as long as they are implanted they can multiply without interference.

After the sun had set, which was beautiful by the way now that I have eyes, I finally finished all of the houses, which I would almost certainly never have done before the evolution. This seriously is the best. I'm sure that others would have chosen the Texture or Stable, but if you want to be manipulative you would need utility and options.

Anyways, with all of the tunnels done, it is time to implant spores! Sliding off of the roof and splatting on the ground over exaggeratedly, which was into an alley so no one could see me, I grouped up all of my separated spores. Digging into the ground myself, I rolled along to the center, which is where I sacrificed one of the split consciousnesses to make the massive mushroom, which will be the 'cell tower'.

Seeing its massive girth, I was very impressed with the growth speed, which it grew to this size in only five hours. Then again I did sacrifice a ton of spores to make this massive mushroom. Speaking of which, I really should check on how many spores I have lost due to this. *click*


{Spore Count: Alter Spores-28,745,802,275,926,}

{Bone Spores-30,837,989,024}

As sad as it is to lose about 2¾ trillion spores, it will become worth it as I will be able to control an entire village. I hope so. Trying to crush the doubt that I have about this plan, I absorbed all of the split consciousnesses into myself and transferred my main consciousness to the other separated mind, which was now a big mushroom looming over me.