Got Caught?!

As sad as it is to lose about 2¾ trillion spores, it will become worth it as I will be able to control an entire village. I hope so. Trying to crush the doubt that I have about this plan, I absorbed all of the split consciousnesses into myself and transferred my main consciousness to the other separated mind, which was now a big mushroom looming over me.

Aftermany tired of forcing the connection between me and the mushroom, I finally managed to catch a strand of consciousness between us. Elated, I immediately tried to switch, and it worked! With a happy disposition, I expelled as many spores as possible, which looked like it was in the billions, if not trillions. Seeing them swooping down into the tunnels that I dug, I somehow knew that this plan must work for me to conquer this village.

With a quick sense of the connection that I found, I transferred my consciousness back into my original body. Satisfied with the way that this experiment turned out, I set this mushroom on expelling spores as constantly as possible, which I figured out how to do once I connected myself to it.

It sort of felt like flicking on a switch that is on default mode, making it do something it almost never does. Anyhow, I went back the way I came, which led to the back of the creepy officials house. Having a bad feeling about how this discovery will impair the growth of the village, It was time for me to visit the girls.


Having to go across the whole village to get to them. Thank god for my infinite stamina. Well, I guess that their might be more than one in this world, or their might not be any at all. To begin with, their was not really a 'God' on Earth, only the ramblings of people who can't accept the reality of the world and drown their own failures and blandness of their life in a belief of something greater, who they believe can save them from themselves. Something greater is a fictional character labeled as God.

This belief has spread like a virus, until generations after the first outbreak began mutating it into different strains, which made it spread even faster and stronger. Although their are some vaccines that are being used, the virus cannot be killed completely, like the 99.9 percent of germs are wiped away, but .1 percent remain.

Anyways, as a hardcore atheist, which I learned from the old woman, whos name was Abigale Steindal, I do not believe in such a higher power, therefore I cannot cath the virus. But that is besides the point. It would be seriously amazing if their is a real god in this world, and even better if their are multiple.

Anyways, rolling around the town's outskirts to the big meadow where they thought they buried their dead father, I rolled up the hill, crushed flowers in tow. At night, the flowers had a certain glow, maybe due to the dew on it or their luminescence. Rolling behind the house to the spot I was in last time, which was when I was watching the speech about how the daughters of the village Elder might become the next one, I peeked over the edge of the open window and saw that their were three different doors in a hallway to the right of the entry room, where the table I woke up on was.

I knew this because I still forgot to take some spores out of this room because it was constantly occupied while I was absorbing the ones from the town. Picking up the last ones, I hopped through the window and landed with a soft thump on the wooden floor of Gallens, now his daughter's hut.

Rolling across the floor boards, which are made out of nice lacquered planks of wood, I went over to the desk to see if their was anything that I could replicate that was anything of value. Turning into Gallen so that I can reach things better, I walked over to the middle chair behind the desk and started looking through the drawers below the desk top.

What I am looking for in particular is something I think would come in handy should my plan fail. The mementos that Argas made for the girls. Their were a total of two drawers in the desk. One had papers with strange symbols on it, which I could only assume was the language used here. That reminds me, I do need to learn the language of this village, or even a comprehension skill.

I would most likely get that skill from either a language enthusiast or a librarian in this town. Anyways, that is not really important right now. Flipping through the papers to see if I could find anything that I could recognize, I did see some diagrams. The diagrams showed many different monsters. I recognized the Stomp Hoppers, the Ballers, Tankasauruses, and Alter Hounds.

I even found the anatomy of the Beastkin in it as well. When I flipped forward in the stack of papers, the pages created a slight breeze across my sensitive face, which I have missed so much. Ayway, a couple pieces of paper ahead, which are roughly cut and do not have the common white color, but a light brownish beige color, their was a whole page dedicated to the monster cores that Argas mentioned.

I knew this because of the color and shape of them, although they were cut for the girls. It turns out that I was correct with my assumption that the way the monster cores were collected was by killing the creature and dissecting It out of the heart of it. Unlike video games, in this world it is not as simple as killing the beasts and they easily drop the loot.

With this in mind, I quickly put the papers away in the drawer and searched for the second one. As I suspected, the box that previously held the jewelry was tightly shoved into the drawer, barely fitting the space. Yanking it out, I silently opened it carefully, just in case their was something blocking the opening of it.

Thankfully, nothing hindered the opening, but it was not until I opened it that I knew why it did not do anything to stop being opened. Nothing was in it. As the shock settled into my mind, I heard something that caused me to freak out. The sound of a door opening.