
But if I got those stats and skills from Gallen, then that would mean that the Beastkin race has status screens as well, and most likely skills too. Then again, skills might be uncommon, as only Gallen has shown any sign of having a skill. Maybe the officials who are in the higher class have skills to keep them there, or it could just be prestige.

Anyways, it is too late to worry about it now, as I am approaching the destination. Using the Ballers shell again, I formed the full skeleton as I crash-landed into the ground with a resounding BOOM! Thankfully not getting flattened by the force of the landing, I de-materialized my shell and went over to the monkey corpses.

Rolling tentatively over the ground dried in blood, which surprisingly did not go away in the morning dews, I saw all of the dead Great Ape bodies, filled to the brim with massive, black and purple glowing mushrooms.

'What happened to my spores?!'

Looking on in confusion and wonder at what we're supposed to be little mushrooms, I found radiant purplish black mushrooms, emitting an evil aura. Looking at how long and thick they are, I would have felt a little self conscious if I was still in my old human body.

Anyways, without further ado, I started absorbing all of the spores. It was then that I felt a presence of something I cannot explain. It felt like an evil incarnate, like everything that is bad has ever happened to you condensed into a single presence or being, as I did not know what this was.

It felt as if it was trying to break down my mind and take control of my body. However, I would not give up this second chance. I promised myself to live this life to the fullest, and I will not get stopped by some bad monkey virus, or whatever this thing was. It felt like a one hundred kilo weight was on my mind, trying to crush it into submission.

This feeling kept persisting with every spore that I absorbed. I could not stop now, as the feeling would most likely increase, like stopping in the middle of a run, just to get tired faster later. Anyways, what felt like hearse later, I managed to remove all the spores that the mushrooms had made, and then the pain multiplied as the mushrooms turned white and disintegrated.

My structural body started spasming, the spores creating different shapes at insane speeds. While my body looked like water in a subwoofer, my mind was in excruciating pain, trying to bend the presence that is constantly attacking it to my will.

The feeling had increased so much I could not tell what was real and what my mind made up. If I had a mouth to scream, I would have screamed for miles. After what felt like hours of torturous agony, it finally slowed to a dull throb for a couple of minute, and then disappeared completely, like it was never even there.

One my mind cleared of painful fog, I felt a great difference not just in power, but appearance as well. Making eye stalks with materialized eyes to see my body, I realized my body turned pitch black, purple tattoos in the shape of a strand of fire circled around the bottom of my blob of a body.

Amazed by what happened to my body, I cannot wait to see what happened to my spores, as they were now feeling very powered up. It felt like the structure of each Alter spore was altered to become more powerful, like another evolution or a rank up of a skill. Now let's check what happened. *click*

< Name: Unknown >

< Race: Darkened Excel Spore >


< Strength: 80,000>

< Agility: 110,000>

< Vitality: 32,042,785,034,265 >

< Stamina:∞ >


[SSS+-Coalesce Lv.Max|Active]

You are able to gather materials you come into contact with around you and use them as an extension of yourself. You can choose what to use and what not to use. [ can lift heavier objects when the skill ranks up.]


You have the ability to implant spores into different materials. It can also work on living organisms, as parasites controlled by you. [The higher the rank of the skill is, the higher level the organisms you can infect.]


A subskill to the Implant skill, the spores that you place are able to expand and invade more areas without the user having to implant manually. [The speed of the invading depends on the rank of the skill.]


A skill that allows the user to learn new languages by hearing them. [You will be able to understand more complicated languages the more the skill ranks up.]


(NEW) {E-Writing Comprehension|Passive}

A sub skill that allows the user to learn new written languages by seeing them. [You will be able to understand more complicated languages the more the skill ranks up.]


(NEW) {E-Speech Comprehension|Passive}

A sub skill that allows the user to speak the languages they learn by the main skill. [You will be able to use more complicated speech the more the skill ranks up.]


[E+-Spore Transfer|Active]

Allows the user to transfer their spores at the speed of light from one location to another. [Location must have been implanted for travel. Leniency on this rule will improve upon ranking up.]

[A--Mana Wave|Active]

Allows the user to compress mana and release it in one big wave. [the radius of the blast and the potency increases as the skill ranks up.]

[SSS+-Imprint Lv.Max|Active]

The User has the ability to scan the surface he touches. The radius of this skill depends on the level the user is at and the amount of detail the user has is dependent on his mass.

{Sub-ability: Memorize|Active}

[This allows the User to perfectly copy the object or specimen he is imprinting, saving it in his memory to use or transform into later.]

(NEW) [SPORE-COUNT: Description]

(NEW) {Darkened Alter Spores-31,965,354,187,476,}

Regular spores that are able to be produced from normal elements that are being implanted on, like dirt, rocks, or wood. [Able to be changed.]

(NEW) {Darkened Bone Spores-50,376,198,307}

Spores grown from Bones or some other source that has bone elements in it. [Able to be changed.]

(NEW) [Darkened Spores|Infective.]

A type of spore that infects other spores that overpowers other spores. Can make the spores stronger, but will be mortal to the host. {Can also be overcome by willpower or mental resistance magic.}