Flash Back to the Past?!

Darkened spores? Mortal! That was a very close call. I could easily have overcome this 'darkness', but I guess that my will to continue fighting and exploring in my second life fought against the influence. That is one thing I am sure I can do, as I have always been strong willed, lest I would have died much earlier in my old life.

This experience has made me think of a past experience that also built up that willpower, and also used a lot of it. It was like it happened yesterday.


Waking up to a giant pain in my leg and hand, I sat straight up, alert and wary of my surroundings. I seemed to be on a bed with a single blanket covering my blood stained body. My leg has been put into a splint with two metal pole pieces and string. My hand has been wrapped in gauze.

The room itself looked worse than the prisoners. Their were pieces of mold eating away at the matres and the wooden spokes holding up the bed looked like they could break with the slightest shake of the bed. The ceiling was made out of rough cement, cracks breaking through, dripping water. Their was a singular toilet in the corner, suspiciously died yellow around the seat and floor around it.

The exit to the room was a steel door with tons of bolts locking it into place. This most likely was not the case, as I must have gotten put in here somehow, so I guess it was just an intimidation factor of warning you that you cannot leave. The only question that passed through my mind was what I was doing here?

I remember following a group of masked people and falling through the roof of that warehouse, snapping my leg and shattering my wrist. I must have been picked up by the group, because I would either have been dead by bleeding out, or waking up in the same spot.

That is when I remembered that the leader said he would bring me back to wherever his hideout was. This must be the cell that he takes people in to interrogate because I can't imagine people voluntarily living in this condition. Anyways, sliding from my sitting position to leaning on my right leg, which was my unbroken one.

I stumbled across the room, which was uncomfortably small, enough so that if their were two of me and they were arm to arm extended, they would make up the entire width of the room. The length was double. Falling against the bolted door, I collapsed against it, exhausted from moving on only my right leg and just recovering from broken bones. Banging against the door with my good hand, I made quite a racket to try to get anyones attention.

"Hello?! Is anyone their? I'm awake, alright? Someone get me out of this room! What is going on?" I continuously shouted hoping someone would listen and come get me out. Actually, A person did come! I thought that I was a prisoner here. Listening to the heavy footsteps growing nearer to me, I hoped that the guy approaching would open the door and take me to the person who captured me.

I knew that I could definitely not escape in my current condition, so the best option is to find out why I was brought here. And the way that they took care of my injuries meant that they would not immediately kill me. What I can summarize from my current situation is that I was abducted by a group, most likely a gang, and was injured enough for me not to be able to escape.

Hearing a creak of the metal door opening, I pushed myself off of the door and stumbled to get on my right leg. I cannot show signs of weakness to the enemy. Something that I have learned early one, because in the streets their is usually not such a thing as pity.

"Oh you're awake now? Come with me, where going to go to the boss." The guy who opened the door said. He was at least a few inches taller than me, and I was pretty tall for a 16 year old. If I had to guess, I would say he is about six foot five inches tall , and I am about six feet tall. However, the height of him was not the shocking thing.

He was extremely muscular, with tendons bulging out his forearms and legs, muscle and flesh rippling across his arms and his chest, which was covered only by a thin muscle shirt. The physique of this man was indeed impressive, and I knew I could not get away from him, even without the gun he was currently holding pointed at me.

With no other choice, I followed his lead as he stomped down the hallway, footsteps booming along the metal corridor. This hallway contained rows of cells just like mine, some sobbing and moaning coming out of a few. Definitely don't want to get on the bad side of this boss guy.

"Go through here and you will meet him. A piece of advice; don't show fear or back down." Was all the man said before turning heel and leaving me in front of another door the same design as the one in my cell, only it was a double doored one, intricately carved.

Sucks that I wasn't able to open both of them at the same time, with my hand and all, but beggars can't be choosers. Without hesitation, and with the thought of not wanting to get on the bad side of the man behind the door, I pushed against the right door, not wanting to injure my left hand any more than it was already.

Immediately as I stepped into the room, I felt a giant pressure on my body. "Ghu!" I grunted. The pressure was so strong it felt like an elephant was skydiving and landed on my back, only in a continuous loop. Using most of my energy, I managed to lift my head up to see a wooden throne, which belonged to an aged man who looked to be in his mid fifties.

With the unrelenting pressure it was hard to see his features, but I could see the impassive face of a man who has witnessed many battles. Brought down to my knees, I locked my neck into place, staring at the man who was doing this, as their was no one else in the room.