Ulterior Motive?!

What makes him different is that he had the best recommendation from Anthony. That is until this new guy showed up. "Boss, what are you going to do with this recruit?" Nico said inquisitively. His curiosity is not unfounded, as no one has been this injured by Anthony, not even myself.

"I am going to train him as hard as I can. He has the raw strength worth, if he was in perfect health and more healthy, at least ten of Anthonys combined. If I can teach him all the martial arts that I know, we will have the perfect killing machine, ready for Gang Wars at all times. And the best part is, that he is one of us." I said, elated that I was able to get my hands on something so valuable.

"So he is going to be used for Gang Wars? That seems a bit excessive for what they are like. Each Gang War can eliminate fifty thousand people, minimum. If we enter it banking on the fact that this new guy will be as strong as you say, it is highly likely that we could lose everything that we worked hard to get, all in one fell swoop." Nico said, concerned for our gang.

"Don't worry. If he does not turn out as I envisioned him, he is easily disposable. We can still send him into the Gang Wars, but only by himself. We have nothing to lose by using him." I said. Although there is a slight possibility that he will not turn out as expected, I still believe that he has the drive to become great under my teachings.

"Alright, I trust your judgment, as you have never been wrong before. Still, don't go overboard with him. Transforming someone like him into a killing machine is a very delicate process, believe me." Nico said, suspiciously revealing a bit of his past. Like Anthony, Nico came to us alone, wanting to be in a strong gang. Also like Anthony, I don't know much about Nico's background, only that he is loyal to my gang.

I might grow a bit naive in my old age, but I have worked with Nico for ten years, so I have a reasonable amount of trust in him. Reaching the beginning of the rows upon rows of barracks, I heard the pleasant white noise of talking among the members. Walking by some of the large tents, I saw some people saluting at me, some playing cards, some just sleeping, and most working out. They all looked jacked, and that is more or less due to Anthony.

His initiation, or as the troops like to call it, the 'Execution', has made these people who they are today. Muscle upon muscle can be seen everywhere. Looking for the massive 7-foot-tall Anthony, I saw him in the back, near the wire fence closing in the surrounding base.

Speeding up my walking speed, I made it to the tent that Anthony just left, which must be where he left the boy he passed. Reaching the entrance, which is about twelve feet high, the inside was about 14 feet tall and 35x35 feet wide and long. Anyone seeing the inside of one of these tents would think that it is a whole apartment building.

In the back of the tent, I saw the bruised and battered boy laying down, breathing heavily. Telling Nico to stay watch outside the tent to make sure no one interrupts us, I walk up to the boy and sit in a chair beside him, most likely from Daniel and his medical team checking in on him to make sure he is ok. Sitting there for what seemed like hours, I waited for the boy to wake up.

Finally, after a few more minutes of waiting, The boy's eyes cracked open, and he sat up with a groan. "You're finally up. I have good news for you. You are now officially part of the gang known as Hells Guardians, congratulations!" I said to the bewildered boy in front of me. Now all that is left to do is get him training, and my final plan will be set into motion.


"Have you seen anything like this before?" I asked, pointing at the large army of undead rushing at us. Honestly, I thought that she would know about the undead and other such creatures, but by the way, she is hiding, I guess not.

"N-no, I have never seen such abhorrent creatures in all my life. All I can tell from them is that they are creatures that are not of this world." She managed to get out, fear and disgust in her eyes. It would make sense that she would have a natural testament for the undead, as they, technically, are unnatural and should not be a part of this world.

"Alright, I think now is a good time to start getting rid of these pests. You don't have to help if you don't want to, but I warn you, there will surely be more of them in the castle itself. This is a good warmup before the rest of them appear." I said, cracking my knuckles. Of course, I have no clue if there are other undead within the castle, but I can only assume that because of the ambiance that this courtyard alone gives me.

"Alright, I will fight them. It should also prove whether these abominations are affected by my magic or not." She said, stealing herself. I guess that rationalizing a scary situation is her coping mechanism. Not that I am one to judge. Without any warning, Andromeda unfurled her wings, kicking off the ground and launching into the oncoming crowd of zombies, who looked extremely scary in the blue lantern light, which was all around the courtyard, surrounded by spiders and such.

"Alright, I guess it is time to try a few other tricks I thought of. Let's see if you guys can handle it." I said to the approaching crown, putting my right hand up dramatically. Putting my fingers up in the classic gun imitation, thumb up and pointer finger out, I used my Skill, although on a much, much smaller scale.