Time for Experimenting!

Summoning one the size of a thumb tack, I put a small marble of my spores on the but of it. Although it may be the size of a marble, it has the compression of a couple trillion spores, which I have no shortage of. The way that I am able to make about three to four trillion spores into the size of a marble is by constantly keeping each spore moving, making no space available, like shaking the bubbles out of liquid.

Anyways, looking like a spear with the but stuck with a black ball of tar, I rocketed it with maximum at the first zombie that came at me, universal *Pow* sound and hand movement with it. With deadly accuracy, the small spear went straight inside the first zombie's head, but looked like it stopped their, only making the zombie stumble a little bit before advancing at its same snail-like pace.

If it had just been the spear, this would have failed, and I would most likely have to go back to basics before I was overrun, but it had a little surprise with it. The black marble. Forming millions of regular, metal, spears inside of the tiny marble, I let all the compression weaken.

*BOOM*. Not only did the poor zombie who had the spear penetrate his skull explode, buut the four around it also exloaded, and five others got impaled. "Holy shit! Well, that was a major success. Let's see what all ten of my fingers can do!" I shouted, throwing my arms forward, little spear bombs flying out of each of my fingers. Normally, this would not be very effective, but their is major crowd control needed, and this was the perfect skill to do it.

{Sub-Skill acquired: Crimson Spear Bomb}

"Ooooooh, cool! Now I can cleanly use it without having to manually create it. If this works for every new thing I create, then I am all set to proceed to the next step in my plan, right after I clear this undead castle." I said allowed, showered in zombie guts. Honestly, I don't really mind the smell. The only part that I do mind is the tid bits of bone shrapnel that impale my body. Pushing the out, I continued rapid firing the throughout the crown, which dwindled down almost as rapidly as my Mana.

I guess this overpowered synthesis of skills does not come cheap. Each one of the Spear Bombs costs about five hundred MP, as well as trillions of my spores. It's a good thing that I won't be using it much in one-on-one fights. Those will be one of the only fights I will enter in the future, hopefully. Anyways, I need to check on how Andromeda is doing with this situation.

One two, one two. Walking through black blood and guts is not something that anyone would enjoy, even a monster such as myself. What makes it worse is that it is piled all the way up to my knees, and I am almost eight feet tall. Wading through the viscera of my enemies, I found Andromeda holding her own against eighteen ghouls. Although I say she is holding her own, she is still wounded beyond my expectations.

Gashes littered her body, and crimson blood was flowing steadily down her body. Although I did want her to defeat her enemies all on her own, we do not have the time for her to do so. More like, I am very bored. Leaping over to where she was struggling to avoid the slashes of the ghouls, who were slightly more powerful and intelligent than regular undead.

Not being able to see the kick aimed at their heads, I easily decapitated four in a row, with just a 360 roundhouse kick in the air. Impossible for me to do without using any skills, but I put some draconic spores to cover my leg, and that did the trick pretty well. Hearing the commotion in the back, the ghouls in the front looked back to see who did such a thing, which was their biggest mistake.

With one slice with a massive claw, Andromeda disemboweled seven more that were surrounding her in a circle. Not knowing who to attack, the ghouls used some self preservation tactics and booked it out of this hell hole. Obviously, I could not let this happen. Sending out one last Spear Bomb, I used 1,000 instead of 500 MP, so when it hit the middle zombie, the six others also exploded along with it.

"I could have handled those abominations alone, master." She said, wounds already healed. While I do not doubt that she could have finished them off in her dragon form, that most likely would have made her pass out like before, and I can't have that.

"I know you could have. It's just that we are on a time limit. Almost as soon as we entered this place, a giant group of these creatures seemed to spawn out of thin air. That must mean that someone, or something, told the master of this castle that intruders are here. That means that it is only a matter of time before they realize we have killed their main attack force, and they might send something stronger." I said, patting her head.

"I understand, master." Andromeda said, nuzzling her head against my hand, sort of like a cat. A cute motion, but something that is not needed right now. Letting go, I straightened myself up and marched off towards the entrance of the castle, which was now open upon the defeat of the undead.

"We must stay vigilant, as their might be some traps set in the castle. No, their are most definitely traps in this castle. Just keep an eye out for anything that seems off." I said, which was pretty iron, as I didn't really have any eyes to begin with, other than these fake ones. Lit with the same blue flames as the outside, the hallway looked like an entrance to a dungeon, moss growing on the side, crumbing cobblestone, and tiled floors. Holding out my hand, I released some Sensory Spores.

It is a good thing that the light is low, otherwise Andromeda would be able to see them. Anyways, I sent them out as far as I could, and I did not sense any magical traps. The only traps I could sense were some falling axes, shooting arrows, and some pitfalls. It's almost like the master of the castle was using classic dungeon methods like in story books and movies back on earth. Either that, or they were 'new' traps that were 'recently' discovered by some 'scientist'.