Super Saiyan Zombie?!

Seeing the poor zombie looking at his useless arms, I could only imagine what it would do next. Would it try to run away? Would it get enraged and charged? Or would it, unlikely at best, formulate a plan of attack? Turns out, neither! That is because, as soon as I turned around from fixing my arms, I saw the giant zombie doing something I would have never guessed something in this world would ever do. It was eating itself! What the fuck?!

Ripping off its mangled arms, it stuffed them in its massive mouth like it was the best meal it has ever had. After it had finished its disgusting snack, the changes started to appear all along its body.

First and foremost, it started to shrink. Not like a slow shrinking, but at, like, the speed of an elevator. It happened until he became the size of an adult giraffe if they even are present in this world. Anyways, that was not the only change that this monster had undergone. It also had its appearance changed. On its head, a white, probably bone, wing appeared in the shape of a crown, little holes formed in a row. Also, some spikes appeared on its forearms, sort of like the Great apes.

Not wanting to break the number one anime rule, I waited for it to undergo its full transformation before attacking it. This is probably a very bad idea, but fuck it. Hands-on my hips, I finished watching its skin become less rotten, its tears of where its arms were healing, and its aura growing in strength. Checking my imaginary watch, I realized it was about time for the transformation to finish on my imaginary alarm. Making an alarm clock sound with my mouth, I coated my fists and feet with Mana, lunging at the new enemy.

What I did not expect to happen is to have my punch caught mid-air, and by one hand. Turns out, he did finish transforming even before my fake alarm went off. Not that I could feel pain, but I could feel pressure, the new monster in front of me squeezed my hand so hard that some scales cracked, and then threw me like a ragdoll to the sidewall, which was a few hundred meters away, but took be seconds to reach. Slamming into it with the force of a tank projectile, I shattered the wall completely, leaving an anime-like crater the size of a football field, not even reaching the ceiling though.

Peeling myself off of the wall I flopped onto the floor in the shape of a Gallon pancake. Like my arm, I automatically reformed into the original shape, ready for more. Hands up, I looked around for the now overpowered monster. Not being able to find him, I used my danger sense, which immediately activated to my left. Leaning backward, I barely missed my head getting exploded by a fist that broke the sound barrier just on its own.

After what seemed like an hour of dodging this beast hit, I can now see when he will zoom and attack me. If I look closely at his legs, they seem to glow a black hue before they crack the ground and shoot him forward, the same with its attacks. Slamming my foot down and launching myself at him for a second time, I looked for that black hue to activate… NOW!

Dodging under a super fast punch, I maintained my speed and landed a one-two punch right in his chest, feeling his flesh rip under my attacks. Feeling him stumble with surprise at my attack finally getting through his defenses, which were just counter punches. Taking this chance to do more damage, I readied more powerful Mana Wave punches, repeatedly activating them unto this undead abomination's body.

This went on until the enemy landed a proper uppercut that immediately shattered my jaw and sent me flying into the air, although not high enough to reach the ceiling, which has never once happened. Reforming my jaw to perfection I landed on my feet, which also shattered on impact. Reforming those as well, I looked at peak perfection, ready to fight on. That is the great thing about having infinite stamina. 'Tired' is not a word in my vocabulary.

Looking at the damage I caused to my opponent, I found that other than a couple of bruises and scrapes, no real damage happened. "Fuck! How is this opponent so strong? He was so slow and weak before he decided to have a meal, with himself as the main course! Is that just a trait of this undead? Eh, too late to worry about it now. It seems to have some magical resistance to magical attacks, so that might not be the best option." I thought out loud, letting the zombie recover.

"The intelligence of this undead is relatively low, so I might be able to outsmart it or trap it. Ah, that gives me a great idea!" I exclaimed. The plan was relatively simple, but an effective one. Now all that was left is to get the zombie to play along. Well, by play alone I mean stay in one space for a couple of minutes while I ready the trap, which is most definitely not going to happen.

"Alright, let's get this shit show started!" I shouted, alerting the zombie. Reaching into my stomach and grabbing out a handful of spores, I splatted the spores onto the ground, like plaster onto bricks. Seeing it stick, I nodded at my handiwork before jumping to the side right before a fish nearly crushed my spine. "Hey, shithead! Did you know that you look like the fecal matter of a seagull mixed with an elephant?" I was taunted. Not the best, but it sure got it angry. Seeing its legs glow, I spread out my arms and chest to increase surface area.

Feeling a solid punch into my gut, I went flying back into the wall I was trying to go to, only this way was much faster. Feeling my innards combust, I simply reformed the and pulled out some more spores and pasted them onto the middle of the wall, which is where I landed. And that continued for another fifteen minutes. For some time, I was getting whacked into wall after wall like a delayed bouncy ball.