Skewered to Perfection!

"Hey! Get your pasty-looking ass over here, you corn dog-shaped shit!" I shouted, voice getting a little hoarse from all the taunting I had to do to get an almost emotionless being mad. Flying for the last time into a far wall, I stuck another bunch of spores onto the wall, getting ready to activate my trap. Jumping off the wall and leading the monsters to the center of my trap, I did a jumping backflip with a *HUP* and managed to scissor kick the idiot right in the noggin.

This disoriented it just enough for me to sacrifice my legs in one massive explosion, launching me away from the beast, and enough to activate my trap. Splitting up my consciousness into hundreds of pieces, I activated in all of the spots that I plastered my spores on, aiming straight for the bamboozled monster right in the center of the room. I'm in the midst of vaporized spores. I could not see the piercing of the zombie, but I could hear it. *SQUISH*.

With some massive squishy sounds and some grating thuds, the vaporized spores dispersed, and the efforts of my planning were revealed. What was revealed was, of course, an impaled zombie, pierced by hundreds of giant crimson spears. Although almost unkillable with my current strength in a head to head fight, I was stronger in the intelligence department.

Locking the spores into place with the strongest links I could find in my Memory Bank, which is what I like to call the space in my mind where is store all of the Memorized weapons and such, I created Crimson spears connected to links that were installed using the spores I put onto the walls and ceiling, which I finally managed to reach.

Shooting out faster than the top speed of a fighter jet, they impaled the zombie before it even knew what hit it, making it all the more effective. Just because it was stronger than me in almost everything does not mean it can't get trapped. And that is exactly what I did. What good is an overpowered enemy if it can even hit you? Exactly. Anyways, I gathered all the excess spores that were not needed, which were a miniscule amount.

Walking towards the struggling zombie carefully, I saw that it was fully trapped, with no signs of the spears budging. At least, not for a very long while. Summoning a few more to stab through its feel and through its arms and hands, I made all of its extremities pierce and secure. Well, almost all of them. I'm not that cruel. Anyways, leaning towards the moaning piece of flesh, I threw some of my spores directly into its mouth, just to see if I could have another unlimited supply of spores for me to monopolize.

Pouring in a massive amount of regular spores, I pulled up my Spore Count to see if I got any new spores. *click*

[SPORE-COUNT: Description]

{Darkened Alter Spores-17,687,358,967,254,}

Regular spores that are able to be produced from normal elements that are being implanted on, like dirt, rocks, or wood. [Able to be changed.]

{Darkened Bone Spores-50,376198,307}

Spores grown from Bones or some other source that has bone elements in it. [Able to be changed.]

{Darkened Draconic Spores-3,576,956,254,016,}

Spores that are grown from the flesh of the dragon race. Extremely hard and sharp. Not easily destroyed. [Able to be changed.]

[Darkened Spores|Infective.]

A type of spore that infects other spores that overpowers other spores. Can make the spores stronger, but will be mortal to the host. {Can also be overcome by willpower or mental resistance magic.}

{Undead Spores-21,890}

A type of spore that comes from the undead, or necromancy. These spores have minor magical resistance to any type of elemental magic, but are weak to angelic and light magic. [The more they are condensed, the stronger the magical resistance will be. Not able to be changed.]

"Jeezus, I lost a lot of spores! I guess that is what happens when you use trillions on an army of zombies, and almost all the rest on defeating the boss of this floor. Anyways, it would seem that I actually did get a new type of spore! 'Magical Resistance'? It's like the world has answered my prayers! Well, it does make sense, because my Mana Waves did not do shit against it. If it wasn't for my unlimited stamina and my ability to morph, I would be deader than the one right next to me!" I said.

"Still, a pretty good haul all in all. Their is still another floor to go, since this floor is to be just the second out of one hundred. And the boss on this floor was too hard to defeat, if that is what you can even defeat…and I am walking to myself again. Great." I mumbled, embarrassed that my old habits are showing up again to haunt me. But now is not the time to reminisce on the past. No, now is the time for action. Walking as fast as possible, because I wanted to give Andromeda the feeling that I am not as invisible as she thinks I am.

The reason for this is that if she dies, or if I die, I will have the excuse that I was too weak to stop it from happening. Harsh, but necessary to further my goal. Anyways, when I reached the stone slab that blocked her off from me, I formed a giant fist like from the first attack with the giant, and slammed it into the stone, shattering it to pieces, which revealed a tear-stained Andromeda. Putting on a weak facade was not an easy feat to do, but when I could manipulate my body, it made it slightly easier. Making my left arm seem mangled and broken, I coughed for effect, letting fake blood spray.

"Oh, master! I thought you had died when I heard the first boom. I'm so glad that you are safe." Andromeda said between sobs, hugging my midsection, being careful not to touch my 'broken' arm.

"What stopped you from running away if I had lost? While I was stuck in their, you could have easily left and gone back to your cave. I am not the kind of person to go and attack because of something like that. Why did you stay?" I asked simply, curious about her answer. It's true, she did not have to stay behind this obstruction for a whole two hours. I would definitely not have stopped her from leaving, as I have proved to be stronger than her, and she would most likely have hidden well should she have had a doubt I was not the monster she thought I am.