Who is the Mastermind?!

"The reason I did not leave you, master, is because, before I met you, I had not had so much fun. We got to go on adventures, see new things together, fight new creatures, although scary, and face new challenges overall. If I had left, I would have had to go back to the boring life of sitting in my cave, waiting for something new to happen, fearing something would kill me should I go outside. That is why, master, I stayed." She said, staring at me with honest and emotion-filled eyes, filled with scarlet tears.

Rubbing her head with my good hand, I hugged her in closer, feeling the warmth of her boo- breath on my chest, in and out in rhythm. I'm glad that I have an honest servant, and also a motivated one. The more the merrier, as I always say. Anyways, she let go of me and unfurled her wings, grabbing my jacket, and lifting me into the air, soaring high up to the ceiling and across the massive- stone room. That is when her eyes laid upon my masterpiece, which from above looked much less wonderful than up close.

"Master, is that the thing that you had to fight?" Andromeda inquired. I would be curious too, but if you asked anyone else what the thing that almost killed them looked like in detail, they would probably freak out from PTSD.

"Yes, that is the 'thing' I fought. It turned out to be what is called an 'Undead', a type of creature that is resurrected from death, using a type of dark magic called 'Necromancy'. What you see now is its final form. Its first form was a four armed giant, almost to the ceiling in height. It was not until it ate two of its arms that it transformed into what you see now. The speed and power of it is greater than mine by multiple times, and it is almost immune to magical attacks. Although it may look defeated, I can assure you that it is still alive, and will probably be so for a very long time." I said.

"How did you manage to defeat it?" Andromeda asked. She slightly dipped lower, most likely trying to get a closer look at what I used to trap the terrifying beast.

"Not important at the moment. I might tell you later. For not, we need to find the owner of this castle." I ordered. With no other option than to obey, Andromeda hesitantly rose back up to where we were before, soaring a bit faster to the exit. Lowering both of us down to a full stop at the entrance of the stairwell to the third, and probably final, floor, I was needlessly supported by Andromeda up the stairs.

Reaching the third floor after a couple minutes of walking up a flight of stairs, I was greeted with two double doors, demon faces facing us, seeming to condescendingly look down on both of us. Reaching out with my good hand to push one of the doors inward, I found that it was as easily pushed as it was pushing open a regular sized door. This must be because of me defeating the boss, well, close enough to defeating the boss.

Opening up both of them, we were greeted by yet another strange scene. A hallway full of suits of armor?!

***??? POV***

I've been alone for so long I can't recall a time when I have seen the actual sun. A clear sky, filled with blue. Instead I have locked myself in a prison of my own creation. Living in a huge castle which feels more of a cage than privilege. This gift that was bestowed upon me looks more like a curse as the days pass. The gift in particular is the ability to control what is called a .

This is a place that creates monsters, although artificial. The way it works is that for each being that goes through it, I get [Points], which in turn make me more powerful. These also could be used to upgrade my Dungeon or give it new summons, which are monsters that are not artificially made. What was not told to me is that this could be a double edged sword.

I suppose that it was my fault that I wound up here. The feeling of power and individuality I got from this 'gift' went to my head. I pushed away the people who tried to help me manage it, thinking they wanted to take this power, or use me for it. One day I had enough, though. After my father banished me from my own home, I used my Points to create a beautiful, giant castle all for myself. That took up half of my points.

Next I built myself a throne room, having lavish luxurious things all around myself. That took another half, but I still had more to spare due to the help of my family. I created a spatial bubble, which hid the presence of my glorious castle. I used some more points to build three floors. The first had a massive labyrinth of traps, the second a mysterious, supposedly 'impassable' monster, and a third for, of course, me.

I obviously could not make a whole floor for myself with no protection, so I made a hallway that led to my chambers, using a template from the control panel that my 'Gift' gave me. The hallway in question was filled with suits of armor. Curious to see what armor stands could do to intruders, I activated the trap manually. All of a sudden, they began to move on their own, attacking me.

Ah, good memories. With all of that done, I was finally content. Now all that was left was to collect points. At first, the points were flowing in at an extremely fast rate, due to the human town that was near my foundation. It was not until the stronger adventurers came that business stopped booming. The point flow was the same as before, only, my Dungeons reputation was going down. Less and less adventurers were going back to their town, so less and less adventurers came to my Dungeon.

That's when I knew I made a mistake. With the points I had from the adventurers, I spent the last of them on a sensory trap in the courtyard, spawning even more 'Undead'. It was a last ditch effort to grab all the points I could. And it worked, for a time. But it wasn't enough. It was never going to be enough.