

"What was that?!" I shouted, hearing some sort of commotion for the first time in what must have been years. Yes, years. I have never been able to escape this place, lest I get killed by my creation. The gift has turned into a curse by my own doing. With no way to go anywhere, and with me being able to live forever, if I have a steady flow of blood, which is supplied by something I installed with the last of my points, I am destined to spend eternity here, hoping for someone to save me.

"Could it be that someone managed to pass Him?" I thought out loud. No one has managed to scratch Him, much less defeat him. If someone or a group managed to pass Him, they must be incredibly lucky, or incredibly strong. Most likely a mixture of both. Getting off of my throne, which is made of Mana Crystals laced in gold, I made my way towards the double door that leads to my chambers.

With every step I make, the clanging gets louder and louder, until it was so loud that it sounded like an all-out war was happening right outside these doors. Halting myself, I stood, barefoot and wearing my usual dress, a couple of feet away from those doors. I am scared. What if the adventurers outside those doors are here to kill me? What will I do then? I have long run out of my blood supply. My days are numbered as it is. If they wanted to kill me, they could have just waited a year or two.

No, there must be another reason. Do they not know that I am here? No, that can't be. No sane adventurer would come in here and defeat Him just because they were curious about this place. Then why are they here? Damn, this uncertainty is annoying. I guess all there's left to do is sit back and wait. If they could beat Him, then it is only a matter of time before they defeat the armors.

Going back to my throne, I straightened out the pillow on it. Sitting down, legs crossed, I waited for the adventurers to walk through those doors. I need to think of a good introduction speech, as I have been practicing way back when. Resting my head on a fisted hand, I awaited the arrival of the two foolishly lucky souls to wander into my Dungeon.

***Unknown POV***

Damn, these hunks of metal are hard to beat! And Andromeda and I have been knocking these things around for, give or take, thirty minutes. Well, physical attacks don't work. "Andromeda, change into your dragon form and melt these metal husks," I ordered, with her quickly complying. This is the closest thing I could get to getting rid of these things. The strain from fighting the super-zombie took a toll on my mental state, so it has been pretty hard fighting these things with nothing but magic.

Transforming into a mighty dragon, Andromeda released a breath of flame that would have fried me instantaneously had I not stopped her by uppercutting her in the jaw. Anyways, she instantly melted the rest of them…now I can't count how many of them there were before she made them into scrap metal! Eh, not that it matters. I wonder who has been controlling this whole thing. They sure did make the power levels uneven in the different levels. I guess the second level is where they spent most of the time, although I am still confused about why it is so big.

I guess it is just for the ambiance of the cool boss fight, or more like spectacular death for anyone else. If my hypothesis is right, then there must be someone trapped in this last room, or I am wrong, which I never like to admit. Carefully stepping over all of the melted metal, we made it to the end of the final floor, or which I assume is the final floor, as there is not another set of stairs leading upwards that I have seen.

Plus, that second floor looks to have taken a hell of a lot of space away from the framework. Anyways, it's time to see what is behind these doors! Pushing open the doors as silently as possible, the kick I sent at them accidentally pushed them open too fast and created a huge *CLANG* against the other wall, which is made of metal. This shocked the person sitting in a chair at the center of the room, which was decorated like it was a place of royalty.

Point is that it is very flashy. Ignoring the bling that is visually assaulting my eyes, I looked over at Andromeda, who looked like a child in their favorite toy shop. Rolling my eyes, I looked inquisitive back at the startled female, trying to regain composure.

"So, you have managed to beat all of my floors. How intriguing. The struggle does end here, though. You still have to face the greatest threat yet, M-!!" The woman said who suddenly found it hard to breathe. That might be because of my hand tightening around her neck, closing the distance between me and the throne in less than a second.

{Language comprehended: Vampiric}

{Language type: Verbal}

"Listen, girl. I had a really hard time fighting that undead thing down in your little funhouse, so how about we have a nice little chat about what the hell all this is, and how do you connect to all of this. That would be a great start, don't you think?" I said, releasing my grip on her, just a tiny bit. Nodding vigorously, I released her neck fully and sat, criss-cross, on the smooth tile. Seeing me do this, Andromeda immediately did the same.

"*Cough* *cough*... Alright, I will tell you who I am and where you are. First, the name of this place is called a Dungeon. I assume you all know what a regular dungeon is, correct?" Seeing nods, she continued. "Good. Now, this is no ordinary dungeon. This one can produce monsters, summon monsters, and create whole new species. The monster that you two fought on the second level was a summoned one, and one of unparalleled strength. How did you manage to defeat it?" She asked, trying to slip in a few questions.