Why is Getting Quests so Hard?!

With no amazing qualities, except for the abundant amount of mana. The Examiner dismissed this problem as a slight slow or abnormality among one of the millions of Scanners. Glaring at the newbie, making her give an apologetic bow, the Examiner left, going back upstairs to look over all the new Adventurers. What she did not know is that the man she dismissed as a normal Adventurer was concealing more power than she could ever imagine.

"Hmmm, I guess it was a faulty Scanner. Well, it still works. So, your skills seem to have been classified into a High Class, which would, outside of the guild, land you up in 40% of the population. This, of course, does not compare to the reputation of the adamantite ranks. They have an even greater influence than royalty, but they are usually too arrogant to check in the kingdom at all, busy traveling the world and neglecting their duties." She said, a hint of disdain in her voice.

Well, if I had to work at a place that needed powerful people to get money, and if they all left, then I would be pissed as well. Anyways, I needed to know how I could rank up. "So, what does that mean for my quests? Should I just do any of them, since I am High Class, or is there one specific type that I should do?" I asked, already knowing the answer. I just wanted to confirm that my deduction was correct.

"Oh, I nearly forgot. The last piece of the Scanner is what type of quests you would be good for, which says that you would be best suited for Hunter Quests. Hunter Quests, as the name implies, are requests or demands for the eradication of monsters or other threats. With the increase of new monsters, the demand for Hunter-type Adventurers is up, so the rewards for those are amazing. Many would like to be in your shoes right now." The proctor stated, looking over my shoulder.

Following her line of sight, I found that, after my 'type' was announced, many heads looked towards me in either contempt or jealousy. Well, I dare them to try me! Anyways, back to where I should go.

"As for where you can get these quests, go up the stairs on the far wall to the second floor, where all along the walls are different types of quests. The ones you want are under a big sign that says 'Hunter'. Oh, that reminds me, I need to give you your ranking tag." She said, ducking under the desk after pointing me to the stairs. Not a moment later, she came back up with a bronze-colored plaque, which was connected to a string, which I assume would go around my neck.

Funny, I did not notice it before, but the people around me, too, are wearing such necklaces. As for mine, there was a light gold around the plate itself, which was different from most. Some had a jade green outline, a brown outline, and a couple of others. The only thing that stayed the same for most people is the bronze-like color, which I could assume is the copper rank, which I am currently at.

Accepting the necklace with a nod, the woman bowed and gestured to the person behind me, which glanced at me meekly. People like that annoy me. In a world like this, you have to hold your head high, lest you get trampled by the more powerful ones. Anyways, going to the stairs, which looked like they belonged in a mansion or a movie set, I hopped up two steps at a time.

Reaching the top, I had to abruptly stop, so as not to blind myself with all the shining metal. I do not know why, but there was metal all over this floor. Not only were their big signs, including the Hunter sign, but each board had its borders in the most garish type of metal imaginable, making the room shine like it was a full mirror. Blinking my eyes a few times to adjust to the abrupt change in light, I finally was able to appreciate the grandness of this floor.

The first thing that caught my attention was the, of course, giant fucking boards right above rows upon rows of what looked like to be flyers, which were sectioned off into five patches, two on each long wall, and one on the back wall, which is direct to my left, as I walked up the stairs from the bottom right. As well as the Hunter sign, the other four are as follows; Messenger, Scout, Enforcer, and Retrieval. Doing a closer inspection, I saw a huge difference in Marks, which is represented at the bottom of the flyers, looking like this; Reward: 1GM/10SM/100CM.

These were some of the prices, which made me realize that a single gold mark was equal to ten silver ones, and one hundred coppers equal one silver. With this, I can measure how much I have is worth, which is more important than one realizes, especially in my situation. Looking over the giant signs, I found that the Hunter one was on the farthest wall, as well as had the most posters than any other section.

Casually walking through the cliques and other groups toward my future quests, I reached the wall and took a look at the hundreds of posters. Hold up, what the hell is the order they are in? They seemed to be numbers that were in the same color and style as the Scanner thing I had to fill out. Feeling a slight buzz from my copper plate, I pulled it out from my neck and saw it was glowing faintly. That is when I realized I missed a small podium right in front of the selections.

Pulling my plate necklace off my neck, I walked closer to the podium and placed the plate on the stone podium, feeling a faint aura emitting from it.