A Fucking Mountain?!

Upon placing the small rectangle of metal onto the podium, which looked much like one of those stands that pastors preach on, the aura emanating off of it matched that of the plague. After a couple of seconds, the aura synchronized exactly with that of the plate and then coalesced into a giant, holographic sheet. On this sheet was a list of numbers, presumingly going to the ones posted on the wall.

Looking over my shoulder, I could see that there were a couple of other people strolling along with similar pop-ups. Following suit, I looked over all of the numbers and assignments on the magic sheet. When I clicked on one of the numbers, I could see the quest's description. Some of them were hard, simple, and just really odd.

-Get rid of a Goblin Knole threatening the eastern border of the kingdom. Proof: 10 Goblin heads and the head of the Goblin Leader. Reward: 2GM.-

-Hunt a pack of blood bears and bring the bodies to the Royal District's gate. Reward: 50SP-

-Remove an acre of Cursed Willows to clear a path for Baradoki's expansion. Proof: Forest God's Root. Reward: 100GP-

As the woman below said, these had much more money-making potential than all of the other classes. The question is, which one to pick? It's a good thing that there is no real power-ranking system, lest I only can start slowly, which I do not have time for. After scrolling for a few minutes, I found one that could be suitable for me in my current position. With the constant changes that were made when some quests were taken, which also appeared to happen with the flyers disappearing from the wall, as well as being replaced almost instantaneously, I knew I had to be quick.

- Capture a Crystal Wraith and deliver it to the Royal District, where it will be accepted at the front gates. Reason not provided. Reward: 200GP-

Honestly, I am more surprised no one took it due to it being such a high number. Well, high to most people. From what I witnessed of the wealth the gold ranks had, I could not imagine how much money adamantite-rank Adventurers had. Anyways, clicking on the confirm button below the description, the aura that disappeared came back again. While both auras were separating, a wiring noise came from below the surface of the podium, which turned out to be the exact poster, printed out from a slit below the desk part of the stand.

Looking up from re-reading the description, I saw that people were staring at me, eyes as wide as saucers. I wonder what they were thinking? Eh, they were probably jealous that I got one of the higher-paying quests. Giving them a boasting face, I rolled up the quest and brought it down the stairs, going back to find someone to tell me what to do next.

Met with more odd stairs, I reached another woman, dressed slightly differently, who scanned my quest sheet and told me to complete it. She also said that most quests had a specific period to complete, but this one had no such thing, so I had no real-time constraint. In addition to getting my quest approved, I was given an extra sheet of paper that had both a map and directions on where to find this mythical creature.

The only thing that I was worried about was, A, how I was going to capture it, and B, how am I not going to be swindled out of the money. Knowing the people in this kingdom, I have no confidence that I will be getting paid in full, if at all. Saying a small thank you to the woman who certified my assignment, I left the large building, glares following me out the doors.

"Alright, time to get down to business. With the limited light, I think I have just enough time to scout out the place where the Crystal Wraith should be, if not fight it." I said, peering at the setting sun. Rushing over towards the western side of the kingdom, which was only a couple of minutes away if I ran at half my top speed, I had to keep looking down at my map so I do not take a wrong back alley, or get into a different district.

Finally reaching the western gate, I saw two guards and the familiar archway. Bringing out my wooden tab, the guards barely looked up from their card game, which was being played on a barrel. Walking out into the forest, I checked my map again, trying to get my bearings. "So, I guess I have to go up some type of mountain? I mean, I could withstand the high altitude, but this might be impossible for normal humans! That must be why they all didn't choose this. Well, complaining about this is not going to get this done any faster.

"Hmm, all that is given to me is a red 'X' mark on top of the mountain, which is painted to be straight in front of the western gate, which is pretty convenient. Although they did not give a reason why I should not kill it but capture it, I can guess that they either want it for entertainment purposes or just-food. Eh, it's not my job to judge." I said, putting away the small map in my back pocket. Changing into Gallen's form, which is more suited for travel, and at fast speeds, I started running towards the mountain, which could be seen from the gate.

After hours of running as fast as I could, I made it up the initial slope of the mountain, only stopping when I reached the cliff faces. After a couple more hours of searching, I finally managed to find a giant glory hole in the side of the mountain, almost near the very top. I figured that this must be where the Crystal Wraith resides, as it has a familiar aura to that of Andromeda, who is a Dragon.