People Be Buggin These Days!

Eyes flicking around the crowd, the first mouse decided to try a side attack, which was his first mistake. Not making my moves obvious, I waited for the short stack to get right under my arms, trying to stab my liver. Lifting my leg and hooking his back to put him off balance, I slammed my elbow down on his skull, still hooking him close to my body. With a nice crunch, his head could now be used as a punch bowl.

Putting down my leg, I kicked his corpse away from my muscular body. Putting up my other hand, which was dripping the leader's blood, I waved over the mice, hoping that more would voluntarily kill themselves. Sadly, life is not that easy. Fleeing like rats, I had cut them off somehow. Sending up some spores to check out the layout of the alleyways, I morphed an eye to see each complex. There! With a couple of writes and a left, there was a giant brick wall, perfect for the trap.

Firing off some wind blades to herd the thugs into the closed-off alleyway, I felt like a shepherd, something I never thought I would ever have to experience. Doing some throwing knives and occasionally killing a few of the gang members, I finally managed to trap them.

"Listen, we were only following his orders. We didn't even want to kill you! The only reason we didn't stop him was that he is much stronger than us, and we could have gotten killed." One guy stepped up, trying to defend the reason why they did not stop the main guy, who I assumed correctly was their leader from his pitiful attempt at homicide.

"It's not about taking revenge or anything like that. I have no grudge against any of you, for that matter. The reason behind doing this is because I can't have any witnesses." As I finished that sentence with a smile, I conjured a Crimson Spear and shot it toward a coward trying to climb over the wall, supported by some of his colleagues. I wish I had that kind of teamwork.

Anyways, jumping into the panicking crowd, I began my blood bath. Ripping noses, saying cringy things like 'got your nose!' and shit like that, soon every one of the 30-something people in that group was either dead, mortally wounded, or severely disfigured. Taking out a pouch, I put in 17 noses, 20 years, a handful of teeth, and some round reproductive organs.

"Well, that was fun. Let's see if I can sell some of this stuff on the market. I'm sure in this crooked kingdom there is bound to be someone who accepts human remains. Also, now I need a new set of clothes!" I said, my coat soaked to the brim in blood. Summoning light wind blades, I managed to dry most of the blood in a couple of seconds.

Passing a thug waking up from the blood loss of having his testicles ripped off, I thoroughly kicked his head, just enough for a wet ripping sound, and a ball-like object to be seen bouncing against a wall, leaving a red paint mark against it. Whistling another tune, I walked, hands in my jacket pocket, down the alleyway, making it towards the commotion of the market.

Making it towards the very aromatic stalls filled with bread, desserts, and other arrays of food, I took out a little bag of gold coins and began buying a shit ton of clothes just for me. I got some thin undershirts, a rough coat that I thought looked amazing, some high-end boots, a pair of heavy-duty pants, and other clothes I am not willing to describe.

One thing I could not find was someone to trade the body part with. Looking for about ten minutes, I began to lose hope, that is, until I saw an old man with a little rolling cart, sporting a logo that said "Black Market", a mansion covered in a mist surrounding the text. Finding this interesting, I slowly sauntered over to this peculiar old man, whose eyes darted around the square, looking for customers.

"Hey, old man, do you know where I could find this 'black market' you have on your cart," I asked, maybe not in the politest way. Then again, it was kind of hard to keep a straight face when your body smells like sweat, blood, and rotting flesh.

"Boy, you are looking at the head of it. Kids these days, do not have respect for their elders anymore. Still, money is money. So, what can I do for you?" The man asked nicely, thinking I could not hear his mumbling.

"Um, I was going to ask if you bought, I dunno, body parts?" I asked tentatively, not wanting anyone other than this stranger who I met seconds ago to know that I have human body parts. Looking up from his cart, which was strangely small for someone who claims to be the head of an entire underground organization.

"Body parts, you say? Hmm, depends on what body parts you have, I suppose. For arms or legs, 2GM, for anything else around 15SM." He said offhandedly.

"Oh, I have 17 noses, 20 years, and a couple of teeth if you accept those," I said with a grin.

"Oh! Well, I guess we can up the price a bit if you want." The man said nervously, not expecting one man to have either assaulted or killed over 17 people.

"That's great! The only thing is, I am stacked on cash, so I would like to propose a counter-offer. If you can get me connections with this 'black market' of yours, and give me access to all of the different products with large discounts, I will not only give you all the body parts I have but also not take any of yours. Deal?" I said with a smirk.

"O-of course, sir! I-I would happily give you the entire company if my life is spared!" He said, shaking in fear. For someone who claims to be the head of a black market, he sure is a weakling. Eh, probably what most people's reactions would be if they had their life threatened, and it was backed up by the proof of over 20 dead men.
