Personalized Quest?!

"Whoa, whoa there. I said that I just want discounts and access to all products, not taking anyone's life. However, that does give me more leeway over you, hehe. Anyways, here are the parts I have." I said, handing over to him the bloodied bag full of the thug's extremities. With a visual gag from the sight of all the mushy flesh, the man hurriedly put it all in his cart before trying to scurry away.

Making my finger into a needle, ready to inject spores into the man's bloodstream, I did a quick lunge and my arm around the man's neck, but not before quickly poking him, infecting his system with spores. "You see, I am a very, very cautious person. I cannot just go by your word, you see? Therefore, I have implanted a type of explosive inside your bloodstream, thus the small prick you felt earlier.

"Should I not receive a man from the black market giving me all the stuff I asked for, I will detonate this remotely, spraying you insides wherever you are, making a nice art piece. Of course, you could choose not to believe me and take your chances that I am bluffing. But, remember what you put in your cart. You have been warned." I said in my most menacing tone.

"B-but I d-don't know w-where you are s-staying or w-what your n-name is!" the man stuttered, freaking out. Honestly, I don't think I should have intimidated him this much, as he might pass out, but that is one of the things one has to risk to get what they want, at least, in my experience.

"Oh, I am renting a room at the Lion's Den, somewhere near the north gate. I'm sure with your intel you will be able to find it relatively easily. And my name is Devon. It should be pretty simple to find me, just tell the messenger to ask the pub owner to take him to room five. He should know what to do.

Shaking under my hand, a slight nod was all that I got from him, which was sufficient enough for me. Letting go of his shoulder, he booked it out of the town square, rushing down one of the alleyways towards who knows where. Hefting my bag filled with new, expensive adventuring clothes, I decide to head back to the pub and drop off all my stuff so I can check to see if there is another quest for me to do that would raise both my reputation and my adventurers rank.

Turning the corner of the same alleyway I killed the gang members in, I ran back to the pub, which took about ten minutes. Yeah, that is how far away it was from the market. After itching my window, I did a short hop that landed me right above the windowsill. Before I could fall back down, I grabbed the ledge and heaved myself through it, managing to land on the floor with the quietness of a stampeding bull.

With a big *doof* I set down my bags and hopped out the window before I got discovered. Retracing my steps to the Adventurers Guild, it still stood in all its glory, towering over the houses that line the gravel streets, adding an old-timey contrast to the whole town. Skipping right over the lines of new Adventurers, I went right back to the big wall full of new quests, always refreshing. Unlike the previous time I was here, there were many more people near this board, even people without the Hunter necklace.

"Hey, do you know what's going on here?" I asked a small man, well a built frame and a gray beard to show his age.

"Have you not heard? There seems to be someone who has caught the King's eye. It must have been the one who took on the impossible quest, of conquering the Crystal Wraith. I mean, the only type of insanely powerful person that coils have done it must have been an absolute monster. Anyways, sorry for rambling. What is going on here is a quest specifically assigned for that mystery person."

"Thanks for the info, Mr?" I asked, implying his name.

"Oh, my name is Gerald. What's yours?" He answered and asked offhandedly, focusing on the increasing crowd, most likely trying to find who could be the mysterious warrior.

"My name is Devon," I said with a smirk, leaving Gerald standing stiff as a board, jaw-dropping towards the floor. What Gerald just found out is that the person who was requested personally by the king had talked to him, making him think that I am a much bigger deal than I am. At least, for now.

Picking my way through the crowd and away from the star-struck man, I finally found an open pedestal. Taking off my tag, I placed it on the screen and saw a familiar pop up, making me feel nostalgia. Shaking the feeling off, I looked through all the quests, finding one with a giant reward, and in fine print at the bottom, a seal that said my name, as well as a familiar Mana signature to mine.

I don't know how, but I have a feeling that this one cannot be extracted by anyone else but me. Just a gut feeling. As for what the description said, it went something like this;

-Capture an Earth elemental dragon in the east. Reward: 500GM. Restriction: Only accessible to DEVON.-

Sweet! I have a whole new quest to do, and it is not even the end of the fourth day of my time here! Ignoring the shocked faces of both men and women, I grabbed the freshly printed sheet and redid the quest assignment thing, talking to a woman downstairs and leaving the establishment with a big 'ole grin on my face.

As well as the quest, I got a map just like I did last time, although it was in the opposite direction of the wraiths mountain. This was way far out, in a giant field. I guess the king wanted to be more advanced than its neighboring kingdom.