Big, Chunky Boi?!

Picking my way through the crowd and away from the star-struck man, I finally found an open pedestal. Taking off my tag, I placed it on the screen and saw a familiar pop up, making me feel nostalgia. Shaking the feeling off, I looked through all the quests, finding one with a giant reward, and in fine print at the bottom, a seal that said my name, as well as a familiar Mana signature to mine.

I don't know how, but I have a feeling that this one cannot be extracted by anyone else but me. Just a gut feeling. As for what the description said, it went something like this;

-Capture an Earth elemental dragon in the east, Dead or Alive. Reward: 500GM. Restriction: Only accessible to DEVON.-

Sweet! I have a whole new quest to do, and it is not even the end of the fourth day in my time here! Ignoring the shocked faces of both men and women, I grabbed the freshly printed sheet and redid the quest assignment thing, talking to a woman downstairs and leaving the establishment with a big 'ol grin on my face.

As well as the quest, I got a map just like I did last time, although it was in the opposite direction of the wraiths mountain. This was way far out, in a giant field. I guess the king really wanted to be more advanced than its neighboring kingdom. The brief description I got on the back of the flier about said dragon is that it, obviously, is dominant on land, and is unable to fly, which I thought is very different from other stories I heard about dragons. Well, I will find out soon, as I arrived just outside the perimeter of the field.

The only sightings that the people of the kingdom had of this mysterious lizard was near these giant holes, and they only see its head, most likely because of the lack of air it has underground, if that is what the holes are from. The only thing that does not match the reports is that instead of holes, their is only yellow-stained grass all across a field, which stretched so far that I could barely see the edge of the forest on the opposite side of it.

Stepping out onto the field, I did not feel anything tangible, but that is not to say I didn't feel anything at all. Walking to the center of the field, or what I think would be close to the center, an increase in light brown aura increased, making me think that this is a pretty powerful being, as it is not orange, green, or a light aura. Therefore, it must be a powerful type of monster, if not one of the strongest around here. And if it is a dragon like Andromeda, then I might be a bit screwed if it only relies on magic instead of physical abilities.

Reaching the most concentrated spot I could find, which took about five minutes, I felt a slight rumbling below me, growing in strength. As it became a level five of the richter scale, I leaped into the air, trying to get as far away from the centered aura, which was also increasing at a much faster pace than the rumbling. Not greater than ten seconds later, the ground broke apart like a reversed meteor, revealing the massive body of a brown dragon and, as reported, it had no wings.

What was not expected was the size of this beast. It could easily be compared to the giant zombie, if not bigger. Legs easily bigger than a two story building, the feet are the most spectacular part of this creature, as they were designed to dig. In between the claws of the beast, their was some webbed places,that looked like it was used instead of using them to swim, it looked more like a let to catch the dearth underground and push it behind it.

Anyways, haggling the thing I was supposed to bring to the kingdom was not my assignment. I liked how the King gave me more opportunities, as it said dead or alive. However, I assume he would like it in one piece, as I would want the same thing. With an aura similar to that of Andromedas, I knew this was not going to go as smoothly as it was with the Wraith. Landing on the ground with a thud about fifteen feet away, just enough to get away from the massive lizard.

Bringing out my sword, which I compressed with the Draconic Spores, I jumped at the dragon, which was now searching the field for the person who invaded its territory. However, it was looking the wrong way. Swinging my broadsword behind my head I was able to take first blood, creating a massive laceration on the neck of the dragon, who, disappointingly, did not seem to be affected in the slightest. However, I did manage to cut it, so that means that its hide is not as strong as the kingdom population says it is. Or maybe it is just because I'm OP, but who has the right to judge?

Landing with a flourish of my blad, I accidentally, and flashily, landed myself right in the line of sight of the dragon, something I did in my surprise that my attack worked. Sensing a massive danger coming on from my left, I saw a giant claw before I raised my sword to block it. However, not only did it shatter the sword, but also dug into the side of my body, spouting blood, which I forgot I still had it materialized in me. Cursing my complacency, I used what was left of the sword to stab into the hard clay, slowing my acceleration towards a dangerous spike that came out of nowhere.

Seems like this might be a more difficult fight that I initially thought. Kicking off the ground, keeping my momentum going, I flipped up and over the boulder, spinning like a torpedo, if they spin like I think they do. Not important. Landing on my back and tumbling a couple extra feet, I managed to heal most of the giant gash, only leaving a slight cut over my ribs. Looking up to see a massive eyeball hovering over me, I immediately jumped to my feet and threw a crimson spear bomb, loading it as much as I could.