Brutal Betrayal.


Swing right, dodge left. Sever the spin and cut the neck. Looking like a whirlwind of blood, I struck with animal-like ferocity, swiftly killing all who stood in my path. With screams and curses flowing through my ears, I did not stop until the sound of ripping flesh and snapping bone stopped, acting as sort of a timer. Pausing a moment to collect myself, I looked around this supposed ambush by a rival gang, which did not do well for either side.

Outnumbered ten to one, each of our guys was slaughtered in cold blood, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. One person managed to contact headquarters, which made them dispatch me, the ultimate weapon of sorts. With that laughable title hanging over me, I rushed as fast as I could to our territory, which was in the process of being raided.

Coming up to the first opponent, I killed him silently, not alerting the others. With a group of over 1,000 soldiers, even after the ambush, I had to whittle down their numbers significantly if I am going to be able to fight them all at once. The thing that gave me away was a beer bottle, although I don't know why it was just lying around. With a deafening clink, all 600 plus heads turned towards me, shocked to see one person alive, much less a boy of my stature.

"*sigh* I guess I am going to have to do this the hard way," I mumbled to myself, preparing two daggers I had strapped to my belt. Leaping into the group of ops, I started my spree of killing. Presently, after all that shit was over, I cleaned off my blades and trudged through the piles of bodies, making disgusting sucky noises as I went along.

Taking out my radio, I switched to channel three, the headquarters channel. "Hello? This is Devon, reporting from the ambush. I managed to take care of it cleanly, but the first group was annihilated by them. What I found odd is that the opposing force was not that strong, and I highly doubt that any skilled member of our gang could have been taken down so easily." I said with concern

The trust I have made with this group, which is now more of a family than anything, is beyond what I imagined. I was given attention, congratulated, socially accepted, and anything else I had never been allowed to experience. In all my years living here, I have never seen a breach of trust, which led me to communicate with them, as they are my friends and family.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about anything. From what I gathered from our intelligence unit, they seemed to be planning this ambush on some of the members that are not as skilled, as to get rid of some opposition to them. Nothing you need to concern yourself with, boy." Mark said, comforting me. As he introduced me to his inner circle, who are basically like aunts and uncles to me, I got along well with the whole crew. Two years I have spent two years here.

There is no reason for me not to trust his words. Clicking off the radio, the only thing that bothered me is that he said 'weak members'. I did not think that Anthony would let anyone weak into this gang, let alone the masses. And another thing. Since when did we have an intelligence group? If we did, I would have known about it by now. Eh, probably a new addition. Plus, we have been losing members due to sickness and other causes.

I'm probably thinking too much about this. Walking back to the main gate of the hideout, I was given glares by everyone I passed by. What could they have against me? It might be because I am just better than they are, and I get favored more than them. Of course, this has happened before when I was new, but the numbers dwindled in the coming weeks of my stay. However, even in the beginning, there were not this many, and with such hatred.

Not long after walking through the crowded halls, which seemed like everyone was rushing to one place, one woman approached me with tears in her eyes. "How could you do this to us?! We trusted you, treated you like family, and this is how you repay us?! You're no different from the outsiders, lying pieces of shit. I hope you're happy with what you did." She said angrily, tears bursting forth from her eyes.

Trying to land a solid right hook to my face, I easily ducked it and slid past her, worried that something may have happened. Was there some kind of mistake? I must have been recognized as someone else, right? Yeah, that has to be it. Mark would not do this to me, right? Doubting myself, I sped up my speed from a jog to a full out sprint, drifting around the metallic hallways, ticing across them.

Slamming open the door to Mark's office, I was greeted with more scrutiny from the entire board, which was a group of people that decides major decisions within the gang, such as organizing gang wars, ranking system updates, and, most commonly, member expulsion. And by expulsion, I mean brutally murdered.

"Devon, you have been charged with the murder of thousands of new members of the gang, which is breaking the first rule in our gang, 'no killing other members'. This is a giant breach of trust, even for you. I thought that we had something special with you, and when you do this. I think everyone can agree with me that this has to be dealt with with the utmost caution." Mark said condescending, getting nods of approval from all around the room.

"Mark, what are you talking about?! I would never do something like that. I do not know who told you about this, but they must be traitors. Come on, do you believe I would kill thousands of members for no reason-" I tried to finish my sentence, but with all the blank looks and looks of 'is he for real', I knew that I fucked up. Of course, I could have done such a thing, as a few years is nothing compared to the trust that can be broken in an instant, just like these members have experienced before.

"Devon, there is no use trying to curry favor here. It pains me greatly to see you break like this, but I have to do what is right for the people I protect. I do thank you for annihilating all opposing gangs within the gang wars, but that is where our trust ends. Board members, what are your verdicts?" Mark asked expressionlessly, making tears well up in my eyes. How could he do this to me? Did he not believe that the ambush was real?

"Guilty" passed around like a virus among all fifteen board members, each glaring at me with watery eyes as they said so. I could not believe what my ears were hearing, with all the faces blurring together, haunting my vision, I covered my ears, shaking my head as if that would get rid of the disappointed and heartbroken faces of the board members.


Authors note:

Hey, guys! It's me again. This marks the one-hundredth chapter in my book Reincarnated as a Spore I just wanted to say thank you to all of the supporters who pushed me to keep going. This means a lot to me, as I just want to make others happy with my own work, and it seems I have done that. please continue to support me, and I will continue to make more chapters that will get better and better. I might have to take a break soon to stock up on some chapters, but I assure you that I will be coming back as strong as ever.

Please continue supporting me by giving reviews, sending power stones, or leaving chapter comments. Again, I thank you all for helping me get this far, and I could not have done it without you.

Sincerely, Inflameous.