On the Run?

"You are a disappointment, boy. I hoped you would have turned out better." Mark said, driving the sword right through my heart, letting the waterworks loose, something I have not done in years. Stumbling outside of the room, hands still covering my ear I ran through the halls, memories of all the good times I had mixing in with the horror of the situation. Passing the library, I remember all those lessons that have been taught to me, somewhere boring and somewhere interesting.

Passing the beds and cots that linked the outside of the hallway, I remember all of the mock fights, activities, and other good times we had together, breaking my already shattered heart more. Screaming, I rushed outside, which I was surprised I could find in my madness. Uncovering my ears and pumping my arms, I sprinted back towards the warehouse, where the ambush should have happened, pushing away shocked bystanders. I looked over the carnage I created, only to see thousands of people in the same uniform.

"No no no, they were different! It was an ambush, I tell you! Come on, you have to believe me. Nico! Nico, you believe me right?" I said, face making faces I have not made before, somewhere between a bewildered face and a desperate one, I looked like a crazed maniac, something I could not control. Turning around, the surprised Nico's face turned from shock to anger, unfathomable. Swinging a fist with the power of a hammer, I was knocked flat on my back, the wind knocked out of my lungs.

Making pathetic gasps, my consciousness blinked in and out, seeing the faces of the Board and, especially Marks. Picked up by my collar, I looked around for other people, looking for someone to help. However, I could not see anyone. Looking back at their supposed angry face of Nico, I was surprised to see him smiling in a sadistic way.

"Oh, Devon. Do you have any idea how long I have waited for this moment? Mark was supposed to favor me, not some shit stain like you. You had nothing to your name, no real commending features, and an attitude that could match that of an animal, something no one wanted to see. However, Mark somehow kept you close, training you personally to be better than everyone else, until I was not needed.

"I was demoted because of you! I had no use for him anymore, as a 'replacement' arrived, thus getting promoted. Since then I have been thinking of a way for you to get demoted, or worse. Turns out, I did not need to wait that long." Nico said a smile plastered on his face.

"W-what are you saying, Nico? I understand that you were mad, and I expected some retaliation, but you talk like you did not plan this! If not you, who did?!" I screamed, losing the breath in my lungs due to the chokehold Nico had me in.

"Mark planned all of this from the beginning. Once you were used up for your usefulness, he had planned to frame you and kill you publicly, making the order run smoothly, and making people not feel sad or angry at Mark for your death." Nico cackled, enjoying the horrified look on my face. Bringing my hands up and pushing Nico's hands into my flying knees, I crushed both of his wrists, something I learned from…Mark.

Falling to the ground like a sack of rice, I stumbled, putting my hands back in their previous position. Swinging my head back and forth, I denied their words of Nico but had the feeling that everything that he said was true. "But why?! Why!!! All I have ever done is help him, and this is how he repays me?! Was I just a toy to him?! No, I don't believe you!" I shouted at Nico, going into an offensive stance.

Smile fading into a serious expression, he went into a defensive one, seemingly thinking he is a match for me. Planting my front foot, I pushed off with my back one, then the front. Shooting myself at Nico, who seemed to underestimate my speed, he put his hands up, well, his arms, as his wrists were broken earlier. Setting up my hands for consecutive punches, I aimed for the wrists.

With the thoughts of the Board in my head, which would not leave, I screamed as I destroyed the bones in both Nico's hands as well as arms. Screaming in pain, Nico stumbled back, trying to get out of my range of attack. Little did she know that I was not done yet. Following his movements, I leaned in farther than I did before, going for an uppercut, to which Nico responded by putting his shattered hands to block my attack, hoping the little meat bags absorbed the blow enough to save his jaw.

Didn't work. As someone who has trained his fists with iron fist training, my hands could be comparable to steel balls when they hit, and as durable as them. Bruising the hands and shattering his jaw bone, he now had a broken jaw, shattered pair of arms and hands, and probably some mental trauma. Landing a well-placed kick to his kneecap, I heard a satisfying shatter as Nico fell to the ground with a scream.

Punching on him, I landed blow after blow, making blood spray into the air like mist. After A couple of minutes of me crying and screaming, trying to make his works leave my head, It felt like punching pizza dough, as his face had been crushed so much that his skull had been almost vaporized. With no more sounds coming out of Nico, I slowly went up and ran away from the scene, afraid his ghost would haunt me.

"No, no. Mark must have been joking! Yeah, that's it! Wow, that convinced me that he thought I murdered his members, as well as my friends." With a crazed smile on my face, I went around the warehouse to the entrance, where I was greeted by a hundred or so members with semi-autos in their hands, with Mark standing in the front.

"Mark! That was a very convincing joke you pulled! I seriously thought you thought I killed all my free-"

"Fire," Mark said, pulling out his pistol, releasing the whole clip into my limbs, all except my legs. Of course, I have had pain resistance training, but that is much different than getting shot by twelve bullets, targeting the same place multiple times. Shocked beyond belief, I ducked and weaved all the other bullets with relative ease. Running out the main gate, I was followed by a small portion of the group, getting into jeeps and other armored vehicles, as I was getting into one of my own.