Stuck Up Royalty?!

Taking out my pair of administrative keys, I turned on the truck and pressed the gas, speeding down the plains towards a far-off city. Trying to stanch the bleeding, I was continuously getting shot in the back, making me clench my teeth. Pulling out a semi-auto as well from the compartment below my feet, I turned around and killed a few other members, making their numbers from 80 something to 60 something.

Picking them off one by one, by the time I reached the city I had killed over half of them, making them all the madder. Stuffing my pockets with as many magazines as possible I waddled towards the streets, hoping I could find someone to help. Yelling at the people who ignored me, I got more glares than I did when I entered the base, which crushed my spirit even more. With no other option, I ran as far as I could, falling into an alleyway.

Before I could lose consciousness, I had to make sure that those guys were not following me. Peeking out from the corner of the alley, I could see those ten people looking all over the street, not finding anything. Lining up my sight to assassinate them one by one, I did so in the next few seconds, making people think there is a terrorist attack.

Of course, throwing the gun in the trash bin, no one would approach a dying man and suspect him of coming mass murder, they would have little pity for me and probably record me, making a couple of views on social media. Holding my head, the visions and words returned, altering my mind, breaking it into many different pieces. Emotions dull to almost nonexistent.

I began to feel drowsy, not taking in my surroundings, laying on top of the dumpster, which seemed like the most comfortable place to take a nap. Getting strange looks from the hobos that also slept in this alleyway, I prepared to go to sleep forever, hoping that that would not be the case.

***Mark POV***

"Too easy." I thought, congratulating myself on the extermination of something that could destroy the entire underground network single-handedly. If I had not humbled him to what he had turned into now, I might have had a more difficult time controlling and disposing of him. Anyways, the only casualty I cared about was my right hand, Nico.

I knew that taking him in on the plan was very dangerous, but I had not anticipated the hatred he had for Devon. Speaking of him, he is most likely going to die of blood loss if my men do not get to him first. And good riddance, too! Although I had a hard time trying to find a way to hurt him so much that he snaps.

Then, it hit me that he could easily be blinded by trust, which has been broken before. And, by the way, he was acting, I could tell that he had no real family or at least one that did not love him. Therefore, the best way I could control him was to make him think that this gang was a big family. Honestly, I could not believe such a stupid idea could succeed.

Eh, that must be the desperation of someone who has lost everyone he cared about and was given it to him easily again. Thus the best way to hurt someone like that is betrayal.


Waking up to a slight glow coming in front of the window pane, I looked over at my side to see a space where Ashley should have been. "She must have gotten up early because of her mistake last time. Good planning on her part, for sure. Now, time to get down to business. What I need to do today is go and turn in the metal plates from the elemental. I just hope that Azura is right about this."

Picking up the satchel I bought yesterday, I went out of the window again, making sure to go the opposite way than I did before. Marking the fifth day of being in the kingdom, I thought I was making pretty good progress. Marching up the street towards the royalty districts, I approached a new set of the guards, giving me a quizzical look before a mask of recognition passed over their faces, and stepped aside, shaking a bit.

"Good to see you this morning. I hope you guys will do your jobs better than your predecessors." I teased, making them tense up. Since no one knew what went on inside the king's throne room except him, I am sure that they elaborated or even made up some stuff about me brutally killing the two guards who apprehended me for no good reason. Passing through the gate unharmed, I was approached by a tall man, royalty oozing off of him in buckets.

"Are you here to turn in the captured elemental?" The man said neutrally. I admire his acting, but I can see the disgust and disbelief in his eyes.

"Yes, and I am sure you know how hard it must be to defeat one. Luckily, I came in contact with someone who was able to minimize the package, while still having all you need from it. I present to you hundreds, if not thousands of Earth elemental scales." I said proudly, showing him the inside of my bag.

"Hmph, I suppose these are acceptable. Here is your reward." They sure did not skimp out on the loot! I was tossed a bag much heftier than the one thing the king gave me, and with my analysis, I was able to count 500GM's, just like the King promised. "Now, I suggest you leave before trouble comes." The man said, glaring at me with distaste.

What the fuck is his problem? Jeez, the people of this world sure are cruel. Taking my leave, I whistled down the street, looking at all the quaint little houses lining them. With nothing better to do, I walked back to the tavern, thinking it is best to investigate Azura before things get too rough with society.