Return to the Medicine King Valley

"I think I've made myself clear." Gu Xi's expression darkened. His gaze first fell on the two old men from the Hehuan Sect. "First, Wang Zhan killed a disciple of my Medicine King Valley first. I only killed him because he deserved it."

After saying this, his gaze returned to the soaring sun patriarch, he continued, "Second, I injured a disciple of your raging fire valley completely within the scope of the rules of the competition. Don't tell me that only disciples of your Raging Fire Valley are allowed to attack others and others are not allowed to attack disciples of your Raging Fire Valley?"

"If what I've done has violated the rules of the competition, it's not up to you old farts to order me around here!"

Gu Xi's words were loud and powerful.

The faces of the Soaring Sun Patriarch and the two old men from the Hehuan Sect were extremely green. Gu Xi had every reason to believe that if Elder Yun was not here, these people would not hesitate to kill him!