
Medicine King Valley, Wu Nanshan's residence.

Gu Xi, Yun Zhiyi, and Wu Nanshan sat in this simple cave abode.

Wu Nanshan personally filled the cups of tea for the two of them. From the corner of his eye, he would glance at Yun Zhiyi from time to time.

In just seven short days, he had deeply felt the power of a Great Saint stage cultivator.

He had once proposed to spar with Yun Zhiyi, and the latter had gladly agreed.

Within seven days, the two of them had exchanged blows no less than dozens of times, but each time, the result was, without exception, a crushing defeat.

Under Yun Zhiyi's guidance, Wu Nanshan, who had not made any progress in his cultivation for a long time, suddenly came to a realization and touched the bottleneck of the late-stage Saint stage.