A Great Emperor Cultivator!

The world was silent.

Both the human race and the demonic race were stunned on the spot. Their eyes were filled with deep shock. After a while, the human side burst into enthusiastic cheers, while the demonic race side's morale was low.

The fall of two Emperor-to-be cultivators in a row was a huge blow to the morale of the demonic race. Gu Xi had also turned the tide of the battle in an instant with his absolute strength!

"Those who offend the human race will be killed without mercy!" Gu Xi's deep voice exploded in the ears of every human cultivator.

The next moment, everyone on the scene shouted Gu Xi's name, and the battle began again. However, this time, the human race had the absolute advantage under Gu Xi's leadership, and the demonic race cultivators were defeated on a large scale.