
[Lifespan can not be consumed for the time being. You can only continue after the time limit is up.]

The System's cold voice sounded, and Gu Xi's heart instantly sank to the bottom.

He could no longer consume his lifespan, which meant that he could only face this powerful demonic race man as a late Emperor-to-be. If he wanted to win, he would have to hold on for at least six hours!

"Six hours..." Gu Xi muttered with a bitter smile on his face.

Not to mention six hours, the battle might not even last 15 minutes!

What was in front of him was undoubtedly a road to certain death!

However, he was the only one among the human race who was qualified to stand up and fight this demonic race man. Now, he could only brace himself and do it.

"Then, let me see how powerful the demonic race's Great Emperor is!" Gu Xi took a deep breath and his expression was filled with endless fighting spirit.