"Can I offer you a ride?" Gavin asked Lily when they reached his car. Lily was still nervously looking over her shoulder for any sign of their assailant.
"No, I think I can walk from here," she said, looking at the Argento Plaza building across the street.
“Don’t worry about that guy,” Gavin assured her. “He was just a punk, trying to take advantage of an opportunity. I doubt he was sober. In any case, he’s long gone.”
“But bad things have been happening in the park. People have been ravaged, including someone I work with. My boy—my friend told me about it. Do you think that guy could be responsible?”
Gavin’s eyes clouded again. “Trust me, that guy had nothing to do with it. Are you sure I can’t give you a ride?”
Lily refused again, feeling safer now that they were back on a busy street. Gavin was probably right. That guy was most likely long gone. They should have stayed on the path in the first place. It was partly their own fault.