Lily and Penelope stood in stunned silence with their eyes fixed on the spot where Gavin had stood just an instant before. Barbara spoke first. "Don't worry," she said, picking up the splintered stake from the floor, and studying its broken tip with a frown. "I’m not here to harm you. At least not today. We’re seeking justice against those vampires who commit crimes against humanity."
"Isn't that the definition of a vampire?" Penelope asked, her voice dripping with irony. “For mortals, drinking human blood is the ultimate in ‘crimes against humanity,’ isn’t it?”
"Despite the loss of Eric Halpern, we'll celebrate two victories today," Barbara said proudly, ignoring her.
"Two?" Penelope asked as Lily gasped, and turned to see Margaret's purse spilled across the hallway. "I'll admit Margaret was a hollow victory since she'd reformed considerably over the past few decades, but her death carries an important message," Barbara said thoughtfully.
"To who?" Lily asked.