Chapter 13: The Rescue

-Burger! Burger, what happened?-

Burger rushed towards Rowan as soon as the door to her car slammed shut.

-Rowan! Rowan!- the dog cried in her head.

More images of blood and something else she couldn't quite make out.

-Rowan help Burger!- he cried, racing between her and the path to the woods.

Rowan held her hands out to get him to stop his racing until she could finally get him to focus on what he needed from her.

-Burger! Please! Calm down and tell me what is going on!-

-Can’t! Follow!- Burger shouted as he raced off towards the woods.

Even the slight limp in his step didn’t seem to slow him down. Rowan was left with no choice but to follow him as fast as she could.

“Burger!” she cried out. “Burger, please!”

Burger didn’t answer her, and he only stopped when he needed to make sure she was following. He seemed almost frustrated that she couldn't run as fast as he could on four legs.