Chapter 63: Bond

Even before Fyn completely awoke, he could feel something was wrong in his room. Something was missing, and he really didn’t like it. Sleepily, he ran his hand over to the side of the bed to try and find the warm body he knew had been next to him when he had fallen asleep. But the bed was empty. Not only that, but it was cold as well.

Immediately, Fyn sat up and looked around the room. There was no evidence that Rowan had ever been there at all. It was almost as if she had been nothing but a figment of his imagination. If it wasn’t for the fact that her scent still permeated the room, he might have wondered if she was an illusion.

Fyn pushed himself out of bed and pulled on his sweats. He checked the spot under the mattress where Rowan had hidden the folder. A sick feeling began in the pit of his stomach when he found it gone.

“Rowan?!” Fyn called out in the hallway. “Burger?!”