A Breakthrough in One Session

The discussion session went awkward. In some participants' minds, the way Fairy Luo greeted the man warmly and obediently bothered them.

It is added by the fact that Fairy Luo was caught paying great attention to him a few times. And to their annoyance, the said Young Master did not spare a look at her.

Throughout the session, Mao Nianzu was not involved. He looked around, watching in silence. That's all.

"Fairy Luo, forgive my intrusion. I can't stand it anymore!" The same youth in the front seat spoke clearly.

Initially, he did not want to cause a scene because he revered Fairy Luo. But alas, Fairy Luo was too nice! She didn't poke the man as the session went on, which drove the youth to treasure her more.

If anyone dared to taint her, he was willing to be the vanguard, protecting Fairy Luo's reputation. Who knows if her awkward behavior was due to complicated pressure done by the man?!

He pointed at Mao Nianzu, saying, "I question this guy's purpose in attending this session. Many wish to come here and learn something!"

The youth was a very aggressive guy!

The two servants beside Mao Nianzu were about to say something, but Mao Nianzu stretched his right hand in the air, stopping them from uttering any word.

"Is your purpose chipping in with people's business?" Fairy Luo asked in a cold tone.

The youth gripped the quill tightly, quelling his anger in silence. Little did he know that Mao Nianzu was walking toward the middle.

As Mao Nianzu passed row seats, all heads in the corresponding row turned to him. Mouth agape. Some blinked a few times in nervous while staring at him.

Fairy Luo subconsciously backed away, and Mao Nianzu became the main attention.

With an uninterested look, he sized up the participants. When he saw the servants whose eyes sparked in anticipation... sigh—what a headache.

Then his gaze landed on the youth. He wore a white robe with a hint of green in some parts. The quill on his hand had a crack, and some splattering ink tainted the canvas.

"What are you looking at?" The youth spatted. His eyes burned with annoyance.

However, Mao Nianzu was not in a hurry. He stared at the youth in the eyes for a few breaths, then formed a faint smile.

The youth narrowed his eyes as Mao Nianzu's retina changed into red blood color at a glance. He blinked and then found nothing changed; Mao Nianzu still had a pair of full dark retinas.

The participants held their breath. The silent moment made their heart palpitate, and as the time ticked by, they broke into a cold sweat.

Not long after, Mao Nianzu took one step toward the youth. Then, he threw a glance at the participants around the youth.

Another step. Mao Nianzu shook his head, glancing at a broader area around the youth.

At the final step, Mao Nianzu sat cross-legged in front of the youth. He tapped his shoulder casually, then rested his right arm on the table.

The participants saw a calm and faint saint-like aura around Mao Nianzu. It was like their usual elders ready to give pointers. But at a younger age and handsome visage.

The closest youths to Mao Nianzu slightly leaned closer, hoping this view lasted forever. These female youths did not hide their admiration as they propped their chin with their hands, facing Mao Nianzu.

'He smells good!' One girl was slightly flustered. She was taken aback by the sudden pleasant fragrance.

"A true gentleman is not a coward. No need to fart. Ask it directly." Mao Nianzu ignored the stares and calmly reached out the quill in the youth's hand with his left hand.

Placing the quill on his right palm, Mao Nianzu spoke, "A sword is an embodiment of a sword cultivator. Losing it is equal to losing one's life."

"Now," Mao Nianzu put the quill down. "Is this your sword or a mere disposable tool?"

Tapping the head of the youth, Mao Nianzu stood. He slowly walked around the participants while saying, "You can't absorb all knowledge from this session. Your mind subconsciously selects the essence solely.

"The way to absorb it is various. Some can immerse it better by experiencing it personally, and some are better by listening to it.

"And to get the highest gain, you must determine an obvious goal. What do you seek here? Is it pure knowledge or self-satisfaction that hinders people's efforts?

"Competition and collaboration are plausible on both sides. The intention differs from it. For the next moments, you must ponder these questions."

Finishing his words, Mao Nianzu walked away toward the bridge. Fairy Luo stood in a daze, and only after Mao Nianzu had walked quite far had she realized his absence.

The two servants secretly left, chasing Mao Nianzu.

After that, the pavilion was dead silent. Only the ripple of water and wind sound rang.


"Young Master, I am sorry for inviting you to such an inconvenience discussion," said the servant.

She only wanted the best discussion in the younger generation that could please the Young Master. But it backfired. The other servant felt the guilt as well.

Both looked pensive. Not as enthusiast as before.

Mao Nianzu paid no particular attention to it. He had attended many seminars when he was younger, and hot-blooded participants were not new.

"Young Master!" Fairy Luo called out in the air. She transformed into a stream of light, then landed in front of Mao Nianzu.

"Young Master, I'm lacking. I'm incompetent for letting the audience act that way!" said Fairy Luo.

"As a number one genius, what's your lacking?" Mao Nianzu lifted an eyebrow in amusement. He'd been wondering about the capability of the so-called genius.

Of course, the said Fairy Luo was none other than Luo Xiulan!

"I will always have a lacking, Young Master," Luo Xiulan replied.

"Well said." Mao Nianzu nodded. "What brings you here?"

"I wonder if I can invite you for a cup of tea." Luo Xiulan straightforwardly said. She then glared at the servants.

As though there was a tacit understanding, the pensive servants saw the glimmer of hope to make up for the unpleasant moment just now in Luo Xiulan. They couldn't help lifting the corners of their mouth in excitement.

These servants were like puppies pleading for dinner and saying with a look of anticipation, which was oblivious to the naked eye.

"Young Master, miss Luo has a beautiful lavender garden!" One servant said while holding the other servant's hand.

"Oh! she als—"

When the other servant tried to speak, Mao Nianzu cut her with a chuckle. "What an obedient servant. I wonder who's your master now."

The servants were terrified by the casual remark Mao Nianzu uttered.

"We don't dare! We don't dare!" The servants hurriedly bowed.

Luo Xiulan peeked behind the thin veil and found the calm bearing Mao Nianzu had.

"I'm the one to blame, Young Master." Luo Xiulan calmly cupped her fists.

She felt like Mao Nianzu was pulling the servants' legs. Nothing more. Hence, the calm reaction.

After meeting the Young Master for the second time, an unknown force pulled her curiosity toward him.

With his mysterious prestige, Young Master could go to a better place with better treatment. Yet he joined a discussion that ended up bad for him; too many ignorant dogs whose barking was what they could only do.

As for his reason, was it genuinely as he said at that time? To spare time?

A higher class person was usually unwilling to mingle with a lower one. Take herself as an example.

As a number one genius in her sect, Luo Xiulan rarely kills time with some random thugs on the streets.

Besides that, Luo Xiulan was internally puzzled. Giving free advice to the crowd.. if it were her, perhaps she would have taken something in return.

After all, the advice would carry the weight of her name. She couldn't blabber without a price like this.

But indeed, the one at fault for forcing Young Master to speak was her because she had the authority to control the crowd.

Unfortunately, Luo Xiulan couldn't come up with an instant solution at that time. She wasn't sure if telling them about the Young Master was acceptable. Even the brief information one.

Had those participants known the chaos that the Young Master stirred among the ancient sects, they would have shuddered in fear. She bet they would lick the Young Master's shoes right away.

"Lead the way," said Mao Nianzu.


At the pavilion in the middle of the pool.

A solemn atmosphere permeated the air. Everyone earnestly sat cross-legged in a meditative position while pondering Mao Nianzu's words.

Then someone released a wave of energy which caused minor turbulence. Soon, some followed his action, exuding different colors of light that enshrouded their body.

"What a great opportunity. A breakthrough only after one session." Someone exclaimed in admiration. He examined his body and found it lighter.

Roughly a few hours after Mao Nianzu left, almost everyone had a breakthrough. Only one youth sat with cold sweats on his palms.

This youth tried to concentrate, but once he almost reached a light, a suction pulled him and churned his thought into a mess.

One person with a heartless gaze always lingered in his mind when this happened. This person was naturally Mao Nianzu.

"Argh!" the youth roared, slamming the table until it split into two. The rest participants instinctively backed away.

"What are you looking at, huh?!" He glared at the others, who obviously were in a jubilant moment after the breakthrough.

Another youth scoffed upon seeing this loser and transformed into a shadow exited the pavilion.


"Where are you going to go? Stay!" The angry, loser youth slashed the air with his quill, creating a small crack in the entrance.

The surface of the pool undulated gently. Some water crawled onto the floor.

Seeing the youth's temperament, the other youths held back the urge to exit. They returned to a cross-legged sitting position.

"Hmph! That bastard is playing with me!" Blue veins popped out. Boiling adrenaline surged up, and he couldn't calm himself down.

He would pay for this humiliation later. That man also had to pay the price for being impolite to Fairy Luo!

Then he launched outside, searching for an object to unleash his anger.

The pavilion became quiet. At this moment, despite the messy condition, more than twenty youths stayed together without uttering any word.

They adjusted their breath and closed their eyes as heaven and earth energy assimilated.