The Beauty's Decision

Chirping birds perched on the nearby branches. They flew down to pick up grass and leaves, carrying them on their beak. Back and forth. Carefully arranged it into a nest.

On this hot and humid day, the violet lavenders gently swayed. Around this remarkably large garden, there were straw hats between it. They were the workers taking care of the lavenders.

After becoming the successor of Misty Flower Palace, the elders and sect master granted her this land to gain experience in managing it.

Although this land was a part of the sect branch, Luo Xiulan paid special attention. It resided in the corner of her heart, and she absolutely loved this place.

Sometimes she visited this place. Flying far from the main sect region outside the Rocky Mountain, only to spend time in serenity.

"Young Master, this is the peak granted by the sect to me. I hope you enjoy the view." Luo Xiulan strode behind Mao Nianzu.

Seeing the fertile soil and hardworking gardeners, Mao Nianzu secretly released a sincere appreciation of nature.

He tossed the vision forward and saw a big wooden manor—a long balcony at the side and stairs beneath it.

The two servants lowered their heads and entered the manor when Mao Nianzu sat on the balcony.

In front of him, Luo Xiulan gracefully sat, folding her legs and placing her palms on the thighs. She faced outward, watching the lavender as it swayed back and forth.

At this moment, Mao Nianzu witnessed Luo Xiulan's cold yet shiny eyes. Reflected by the sunlight, it appeared to be rather beautiful.

The thin violet veil draped down before her chest and twisted around her ears. Milky white slender fingers rested freely on her thighs, making people wonder what she hid beneath.

"You are beautiful." Mao Nianzu nodded in appreciation. Then he also faced outward, watching the garden and feeling the gentle breeze.

Hearing the statement, Luo Xiulan narrowed her eyes in confusion. She instinctively peered at Mao Nianzu while sliding her body to the side.

Scrutinizing him from head to toe, Luo Xiulan found the Young Master was as calm as he had ever been. But, what was that about? Why did he compliment her abruptly?

"You must be joking, Young Master." Luo Xiulan was still staring at him.

"You know it better," said Mao Nianzu indifferently. "So, is this what Misty Flowery Palace is about?"

"Please enlighten me."

"The sect master likes to test people. The successor as well." Mao Nianzu said casually. "Seems like you have lived a good life."

"What is that mean, Young Master?" Luo Xiulan was puzzled.

"Forget it. Now, I am here. What's your intention of inviting me?" Mao Nianzu lay his dark eyes on her.

Mao Nianzu released eye contact, followed by a sequence of subtle wind swaying his hair. In a split second, all noises turned dim as Luo Xiulan's focus was on his breath.

"I..." Luo Xiulan hesitated. In her mind, Mao Nianzu's utterance about her appearance still lingered. She found it hard to guess the underlying meaning of it.

Also, the peculiar comparison between her and the sect master made her reluctant; both tested Young Master. Young Master successfully perplexed her, for right now, she tried to determine if this remark hinted a good omen.

This moment felt inexplicably long for her.

As soon as she returned from the daze, she saw Mao Nianzu stretching his right hand gently. With his palm opened, she noticed some faint yet visible scars on it.

Slow but steady. It reached toward her face.

Luo Xiulan shut her eyes closed with an unsettled feeling as she felt a gentle touch on her right cheek in advance.

This imagination stirred her blood. She subconsciously covered her face as it embarrassed her.

"What are you doing?" asked Mao Nianzu indifferently.

"Eh?" Luo Xiulan pressed down her cheek, trying to confirm the gentle sensation she felt just now. Then she looked back.

In an instant, Luo Xiulan discovered Mao Nianzu's hand was already gone past her, grabbing one jade cup on the tray that the servant carried.

"Miss..." The servant said with a hint of confusion.

By its look, Luo Xiulan knew these servants had just returned from the manor without knowing her action.

'How can I misunderstand the Young Master's intention? Xiulan, pull yourself together! What's on your thought?!'

Luo Xiulan cursed inside her mind. She wanted to hide badly after performing such a shameful appearance. Moreover, she had a fiancée. This was very unlikely for her to happen.

Luo Xiulan waved her hand as the servants quickly arranged the meal to accompany Mao Nianzu. Afterward, they returned to do another duty.

Mao Nianzu and Luo Xiulan then entered the manor. A luxurious interior with exquisite flower carvings. They sat face to face.

"Ehm," Luo Xiulan cleared her throat as she tried to compose herself. "Please ignore what I did earlier, Young Master."

"You are interesting." Mao Nianzu curled a smile. "What did they call you again? A cold fairy? Rumor is a rumor in the end."

"You're teasing me." Luo Xiulan sighed. "As for why Young Master is here, I certainly have a reason."

Mao Nianzu nodded over the confession.

"I want to apologize personally on my fiancée's behalf regarding the inconvenience at the welcoming banquet." In a sitting position, Luo Xiulan bent her back as her forehead touched the ground.

"Did you do something wrong?" asked Mao Nianzu.

"It's on me for not giving him a head up. If I informed him of my whereabouts, he wouldn't act to that extent. He's worried about me," said Luo Xiulan in the same pose.

"What do you want? Forgiveness?"

"I am willing to receive any punishment. Please, accept my apology," said Luo Xiulan.

"You'll do anything?"

"Yes. A-anything.."

To his surprise, Mao Nianzu found the once-great figures lowered themselves in front of him. Like, again and again so.

It pushed him to contemplate his identity that these people had in their minds.

But, asking his identity was more efficient rather than one thing for his current circumstance. That is, to ask about Rocky Mountain.

He found it hard to get an excuse if he wanted to order people to tell a story regarding Rocky Mountain because it was a public secret of cultivators.

Wouldn't it be a huge disgrace if Mao Nianzu were this uncultured?

If he ordered something like this, Mao Nianzu assumed people might take it as a big deal. Whatever he did, a bigshot would leave a significant mark in ordinary people's eyes.

But, worry not! Because an opportunity had knocked on his door now.

"Let's stop this trivial matter. No need to be so tense," said Mao Nianzu. "Lift your head."

" about my apology?" Luo Xiulan said in a low voice.

"Rest assured."

"Thank you, Young Master." Deep gratitude bloomed in her heart. Luo Xiulan was nervous if the sudden apology turned into something worse.

She realized it just now.

Because if she was the one at fault, by laws, she had to visit the Young Master, not the other way round.

Not only did she sabotage his time, but she also made him walk far to her peak!

Noticing this rude action, Luo Xiulan secretly held her breath in nervousness.

What if he disappointed in her? To make it worse, he could leave the sect because of the treatment she gave!

Of course, Luo Xiulan had thrown the jade cup misunderstanding on the balcony to the back of her mind the moment she began the apology.

As to why the apology was very urgent and vital...

In common teaching, Tang Chen's wrongdoing was severely sacrilege. If Mao Nianzu beheaded him, no one would propose any objection.

There were two major mistakes Tang Chen did. First, as an uninvited guest. Second, coming with a grandiose entrance, more dazzling than the guest.

The former mistake was pale from the latter. The latter was the reason why people wouldn't complain about death punishment. Instead, this was the lightest punishment among the plausible options.

One of the worse options was torture. For cultivators who live longer, one-year torture is the shortest under the same mistake. And it could extend to lifetime torture!

Alas! Mao Nianzu didn't pay special attention to it. Not even asserting whether he'd overlooked the matter.

At this rate, Luo Xiulan couldn't be more anxious. Hence the apology.

As she lifted her head, Moa Nianzu released a sigh, saying, "The easiest. Do one thing for me."

The dark-pitched eyes stared at her in tranquility. Like the vast sky covering the expanse, it appeared relatively deep and devoid of emotion.

Luo Xiulan was startled. Her fists were slightly clenched as she bit the corner of her lip.

Luo Xiulan lifted her trembling hands on her chest, crossing it to her shoulder a second later. Her face faced to the side, and her eyes were closed.

With a hint of unwillingness yet helplessness, she released a sigh.

Slowly, Luo Xiulan dragged her right hand to pull her dress. It revealed the smooth untainted skin around her left arm and left shoulder.

The plump lascivious fat chest was slightly exposed, going up and down without a rhythm as Luo Xiulan's breath became heavy and fast.

Her left hand pressed the dress on her chest – preventing it from going down further, and Luo Xiulan purred as she felt an inexplicable fleeting sensation electrify her nerves.

Rotating her head with difficulty, she faced forward after a while. She felt she was facing Mao Nianzu.

"Y-Young Master..." Luo Xiulan whispered. Still, with eyes closed, she withdrew the veil.

At this moment, Luo Xiulan had determined to give everything. For the sake of her fiancée and the sect, she's willing to pay any price as long as it solves the problem.

As the veil vanished from her face, reddish cheeks were visible.

The tiny alluring lips puffed a heavy and seductive breath. Then Luo Xiulan gradually opened her mouth.