Employee's Rage


At the same time the servant engraved the last line on the brown paper, Mao Nianzu felt an extremely thin thread of Qi entering his index finger. However, instead of pain, he felt a momentary jolt as though something massaged his finger past through his entire body.

Subtle pure chaos secretly left his body, then entered the servant as it boosted her soul power.

It was his first time yet he did not feel like it was. This disturbance had forced him to halt, leaving his left hand in the air. The youth who ordered the Golden Premium Fried Rice frowned, feeling confused about why Mao Nianzu suddenly froze.

Mao Nianzu quickly waved his sleeve and secretly injected his spiritual Qi into the White Feather Silk armor beneath his robe.


Soon, the armor emitted a faint light. Everyone who witnessed this knew that although the light was not worth noting, the armor could not be taken lightly.

"Injured me and I will spare you!" Mao Nianzu commanded the youth in an imposing manner. Amplified by the armor, his aura was like a general who tortured captives. Short and decisive.

However, the youth coldly stared at him without moving. "Are you that mysterious young master who has gravely injured my senior brother Xiong?"

"Ho?" Mao Nianzu did not expect to hear the name so soon. He pursed his lips in amusement and took a good look at the youth.

A seemingly thirteen or fourteen boy who had scars around his knuckles as if he had repeatedly hit it. He also had well-built muscles and a courageous bearing. Not even once had he flashed a greedy desire over the wealth.

"Are you from the same family?"

"None of your business." The boy immediately replied as if he knew what Mao Nianzu would say. He put down the spoon and said, "If you're this rich, you should spend it on something more expensive."

Mao Nianzu chuckled upon hearing the answer. He glanced at Luo Xiulan with a smile, and Luo Xiulan understood what she had to do.

"Young Master, there are two types of a signature dish. First, the one everyone can afford, Golden Soup. The other one is a monthly dish only a few members could only taste." Luo Xiulan explained a little loud.


She looked down on the youth who court death and refused a fortune. Five hundred spirit stones for a common cultivator were good enough and free at that. Just a stupid weakling.

And after Luo Xiulan explained in an exaggerated manner, the visitors' eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

"Weird. How come we don't know a bigshot arrival? Manager Ling always set a grand welcome for a VIP member, but not only this bigshot stays on the second floor, but he also got no Golden Assistant accompanying him."

An elder gossiped with his friend.

"But I feel like I've seen the girl. Where did I see her?" The same elder combed his beard while trying to recall the girl next to Mao Nianzu.

Suddenly, a flood of employees flocked to the second floor. They came in a hurry; food-stained clothes, disheveled appearance, and the distinctive smell of the kitchen lingered on the employees.

"I am Manager Ling. It's a pleasure to have you visit here, Fairy Luo." A round man with a thin mustache and a clean, white apron smiled politely.

He asked Mao Nianzu while secretly glancing at the pile of spirit stones. "Are you perhaps Young Master?"

"If so, what? If not, what?" Mao Nianzu knew an obligation that forced employees to act extremely nice in front of VIP members. But this manager had shameless greed.

Staring at Luo Xiulan, Mao Nianzu lazily said. "Get another manager."

In an instant, Manager Ling knew he had inadvertently displeased the money tree. He immediately spitted the flattery words.

However, Mao Nianzu was already immune to such, and he responded in a way no one would ever think. Not even himself.

Because as Manager Ling blew flowery words, Mao Nianzu sharpened his eyes and suddenly waved his sleeve out of annoyance. This motion created an invisible force that eyes could not see, causing Manager Ling abruptly paused his word.

With a horrible smile, Manager Ling clenched his hands

"Manager Ling?" One employee asked with concern. He shook Manager Ling's body. "Manager! Pull yourself together!"


But when this employee released his hand, Manager Ling fell to the floor. His eyes open and mouth agape with saliva staining the floor.

Some visitors immediately vomited when they saw this. And because of these vomits, others also vomit and could not handle the awful smell and disgusting liquid that tainting the floor.

Meanwhile, the employees were frightened. They immediately kneeled without uttering anything and did not want to become the next target.

"Young Master.." Luo Xiulan spoke softly. Her smooth hand almost touched Mao Nianzu's shoulder yet an indescribable feeling sprouted.

'No spiritual Qi fluctuation. No flashy movement' thought her.

Mao Nianzu still hung his left hand in the air as though he tried to grasp something. He then closed it, and Manager Ling coughed a mouthful of blood.

"Manager!" The same employee exclaimed in joy. He bowed toward Mao Nianzu. "Thank you for your mercy! Young Master is kind and has a boundless heart. Thank you!"


Upon hearing the repetitive words, Mao Nianzu felt his energy depleted until nothing was left.

But before he fell, Luo Xiulan quickly assisted him. She came in contact with Mao Nianzu's harsh skin and immediately flustered out of nowhere. However, she instantly dispersed the thought and led Mao Nianzu to a safe place without saying anything to the crowd.

The visitors did not blame Golden City Pavilion and dared not to blame the mysterious man.

The once fragrance second floor had changed into a disgusting scene. People took care of themselves in a heavy mood.

After a while, someone finally noticed a weird black liquid limped in the corner of Manager Ling.

"Hey, what is this?" said an employee to his friend.

"Black? A black liquid? Did Manager Ling consume something?" His friend squatted to take a closer look. He used an iron tick and stretched his hand to take the liquid.

"Black liquid? Don't touch it!" Shouting, one of the visitors turned his back. This elder visitor had a scar on his left eyebrow, a short height, and a fabric bag wrapped around his body.

He walked to the body. "I am a doctor. Do you mind if I take a look?"

The employees exchanged a glance before one of them replied. "It doesn't sound like a problem but who are you?"

"Young man, my name is nothing but I assure you with my pride, I won't do anything." The elder slipped his right hand into the bag and took a white porcelain bottle. "But I also hate dogs. Don't bark and be convinced by my work."

One employee quickly snatched the bottle. As soon as he opened it, a disgusting smell like a mix of stale fruits and grass. This made him cough so he pushed the bottle toward his friend.

"Keep it away!" His friend hurriedly closed the bottle and snuffed it inside the elder's bag. They were waiters with superficial knowledge about ingredients, but they felt that it was not an insignificant one.

After that, the elder took a special tool kit: acupuncture needles. The employees guarded him, lessening the distraction. This examination went on for a while.

"Don't let anyone leave!" The elder suddenly shouted. His eyes turned cold as he scanned the area.

Getting up, the elder approached the employee who showed deep care for Manager Ling and whispered something, then backed away, leaving the employee with fear and disbelief.

"How—" The word stuck in his throat.

Gritting his teeth, the employee walked toward the receptionist's desk and slammed one plaque.


The receptionist's desk was cracked. Visitors had not to wake up from Manager Ling's event, and they dead stared at the employee emotionlessly.

"Make a line!" The employee shouted. "You! You! Get them all together! Hurry!"

Grabbing one wooden stick, he stood imposingly. "Move!"


The employee hit one visitor who did not obey his word.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Without a pause, he hit the nearby visitors, tables, and chairs. The food leftover as well as disgusting vomit acid splattered everywhere. However, he cared less and kept beating everyone whose butts still adhered to the chair.

"Try retaliating and you will leave with bone cracks under my mercy." The employee knocked the stick on the floor. Behind him was a special squad whose mission was to assure safety.

Visitors chickened out upon seeing the overwhelming aura emanated from the squad. They eventually gave up and lined up on the side of the wall, including the youth.

"Now," the employee stared in the eye while walking through the line slowly. "If you admit your crime, we will consider your corpse intact. And if you don't—"


A powerful stick hit blasted the wall, leaving a big mark. The employee looked at the damaged stick pathetically and threw it to the side.

He then stood next to the elder. "I will count to ten. If no one admits it, be prepared."