Grand Elder of Reckless Medicine Sect

After approximately eighty people lined up, the elder sized them up one by one in silence. He walked past them, sometimes stared in the eye, tapped a certain part of their body, or left without anything.

A new squad joined on the second floor and tightened the security during this moment. They secured the exit route and guarded the elder in case someone launched a sneak attack.

"How is it?" asked the employee. He had a calmer mood and weighed the situation carefully.

"One can't easily notice it. Otherwise, it won't be an unsolvable problem for ages." The elder said solemnly. "But this liquid is by no means that disaster. Believe this old man and your pavilion will leave a deeper mark in history as a savior."

The employee frowned.

Young and ignorant, the employee was never involved in a more troublesome matter than the culinary industry. He also thought that Golden City Pavilion was not desperate to get any title.

Pausing for a moment, the elder looked up to the exit route. "Young man, it's better to lock the whole pavilion. I will contact my subordinates."

Saying so, the elder gently knocked on the wall.


The wall had a fist-sized hole. Stretching his hand, the elder shot a firework. This seemed to not help much in the daylight where the sky was clear, but the elder shot another firework.

When he launched the second firework, one guard from the special squad approached the employee. "I know you're the Manager Ling's disciple, but what's up with all the fuss?"

The employee, Manager Ling's Disciple, lowered his voice and replied. "It's about the remnant of the Otherworldly Dark Beings."

"Other— Impossible! The Venerable Four Winds and Immortal Gale have obliterated them!" The guard exclaimed in horror.

Hearing this, the elder laughed. "Are you sure? Ask the Venerable Zither, Huang Yue, and you can say that in front of me."

"—You!" The elder did not give the guard any face. However, if such a frightening disaster still existed, the guard gulped in fear, thinking about this.

"This liquid always comes in pairs. The victim has black liquid, and the culprit has," The elder glanced at the line. "We will see."

After that, the elder explained a few things to the first-floor manager and the third-floor manager. But the third-floor visitors were people of status who demanded satisfaction for ruining their great moments.

However, the elder firmly refused to explain except to employees. Thus, there was a bit of commotion.

"I am the Patriarch of a renowned family!"

"How dare you restrict our third prince of Strongwall Kingdom?"

And so on. There were many complaints, but the Golden City Pavilion's employees knew which one was more important. So they consolidated them with a bit of bonus such as complimentary snacks and so forth.

"Elder Sanping Has come!"

As the guard shouted, a tall man with a catalog and a round spectacle entered the second floor. He had a calculative eye and immediately sized up the elder.

"Do you know that bringing such an ancient problem can get yourself killed?" said Elder Sanping to the short elder.

"No need to teach me about laws. You're always welcome to kill me if I'm wrong." The short, acupuncture elder placed his hands behind his back. "Where's your Golden Wok Chef?"

"He is dealing with another matter."

"Fart." The elder scoffed. "He is dead, right?"

"How did you.."


Before Elder Sanping expressed his suspicion, two older men entered the second floor through the wall. They had similar rugged clothes to the short elder.

"My subordinates are here. Let's skip the small talk." The elder smiled at the newcomers.

"Elder White Line, here's the Otherworldly Iron." Speaking quietly, one of the newcomers came forward with an ordinary rock and indirectly introduced the identity of the short elder.

"White Line.." Elder Sanping murmured. He tried to recall this name to no avail.

Holding the rock in his right palm, Elder White Line spoke aloud. "This is an ordinary rock. Just hold it for a moment, and you can leave afterward!"

He approached one pathetic man and placed the rock in his hand. The man reluctantly closed his hands nervously and gripped the rock tightly. However, nothing happened.

"You're good to go," said Elder White Line while moving the rock to another person.

He did it a few times with the same result. Nothing particular happened.

"Are you worried if my method fails? Heh, you're so kind." Elder White Line sarcastically smiled to Elder Sanping, who got anxious over this examination.

After all, the Golden City Pavilion had to stop working, which was a considerable loss. Moreover, the Golden City Pavilion also prevented the high-profile visitors up on the third floor. This caused Elder Sanping to worry if they lost the priceless bond: visitors' trust.

"Elder, you let two visitors leave. That man and woman who kill Manager Ling!" The Manager Ling's disciple reminded.

"The lady is Fairy Luo from Eastern Sea. I don't know who that man but if Fairy Luo treats him highly, what can I say? You think a successor like her is an idiot who sucks up people? Wait-"

Elder White Line suddenly stopped his words. His eyes flickered, squinted, and then widened quickly. In haste, He waved and opened his palm, and the fried rice youth forcibly flew toward him.

"A-a Zifu Master?!" Elder Sanping was surprised to see the capability of the seemingly defenseless Elder White Line.

Zifu Master is the third stage, with Qi Gathering as the first and Core Foundation as the second. Once someone reaches the Zifu Master stage, one has the ability to control an object without touching it.

And in a sect, Zifu Master could be elder or sect master! And moving a human object means the elder was at least intermediate Zifu Master stage!

Elder White Line strangled the youth violently, then erupted in a ferocious aura as the youth's body was hurled to the floor.

The youth was frightened. Though he growled loudly and thrashed wildly, Elder White Line still choked him uninterrupted, followed by another slam to the floor.

Right after that, Elder White Line placed the rock and pressed it down on the youth's left chest. "Stay still!"

The youth immediately relaxed his body, feeling a strange warm force as though someone embraced him gently. And subconsciously, he closed his eyes while gripping the rock tightly by his right hand.

"I knew it." Elder White Line murmured coldly. He released his choke and stood up, receiving acupuncture needles from his subordinate. Then he tied his sleeve and started to insert one needle into the forehead.

His subordinate undressed the youth, revealing the brown masculine chest. Elder White Line rapidly punctured three points on the chest and seven points on both arms. He steadily did the work under five breaths.

"Now we wait."

Elder Sanping was aghast. He was surprised by the performance and could not catch anything, but certainly, he felt the profundity behind Elder White Line's act.

He was in the late Core Foundation stage, unworthy to note. However, frequent contact with high-profile and powerful people had sharpened his sensitivity toward the Dao's profundity even just a tiny bit.

Soon, the youth's hand turned black—only this particular right hand.

"He surely is meticulous," said Elder White Line. "He only uses his right hand and not any of his limbs to control this liquid. According to ancient records, this liquid is only a symbol, but for weaker cultivators, it can be a deadly poison."

"Ancient records? What kind of ancient thing you're talking about?" Elder Sanping asked.

"No need to involve your little merchant clan. The Golden Clan has been in peace and only serves people through their culinary." Turning his back to Elder Sanping, Elder White Line would speak with a hint of reminiscing. "And for people like us, we will serve peace."

Elder Sanping had to swallow a cold breath.

"Hey, young man," Elder White Line called the Manager Ling's disciple. "Bring this kid and come with us. This is the only way you will know more about the reason for your master's death."

"This man is an acquaintance of Young Master Xiong. He has come due to his request. So, should I notify Young Master Xiong first?" The Manger Ling's Disciple looked at the unconscious youth in reluctance.

"Xiong? Which Xiong?"

"Xiong Angju, Young Master of the Regnant Bear Family."

"Hmm." Elder White Line crossed his arms and quietly pondered.

"Elder White Line, I suppose we must take him regardless of the reason. It'd best so as to not giving any chance of the perpetrator's friend from rescuing him and spread more harmful act." One subordinate whispered respectfully.

"I know." Elder White Line casually replied. "I'm just thinking which squad we must use in case the Regnant Bear Family is against us."

"Elder, are you perhaps the Grand Elder of Reckless Medicine Sect?" Elder Sanping asked in anticipation.

"Oh, seems like someone is not ignorant." Elder White Line smirked. "Safe your flattery later. I must deal with a world-ending threat to save your meager ass."